My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5562 5562Are you really not blushing?

"Not only have I never seen an outsider, but I have never seen an outsider as stunningly beautiful as me." Miss Luo nodded vigorously and added something, feeling in a good mood.

Fatty Bai and others turned their heads at the same time, and almost all of them spat out the word "cut".

It's not that Miss Luo is not good-looking. Compared with ordinary people, she is actually quite charming. But the question is, do you really not blush when you brag like this in front of Fenghua?

Just when everyone was secretly despising him, gongs and drums suddenly sounded in the village, and dozens of villagers rushed out aggressively.

He is said to be a villager, but he is completely different from the mountain villagers in the impressions of Gu Fenghua and others.

These people were dressed in strange clothes, somewhat similar to holy robes, but more concise. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that the energy flowing as they ran around gave people an inexplicable sense of oppression.

Although the Holy Pearl was not revealed, Gu Fenghua and others explored it with their spiritual thoughts and found that the weakest among them had definitely reached the realm of Heavenly Saint, and the stronger ones had definitely reached the realm of Emperor Saint.

Although everyone can practice Wuji Shengtian, even in a prosperous and prosperous city like Guzhou City, most ordinary people only have the cultivation level of Dharma Saint, and those who are stronger can barely reach Xuansheng. As for smaller cities or villages, of course the common people have lower cultivation levels.

In this hidden village in front of them, the cultivation level of the villagers actually reached the level of Heavenly Saint or even Emperor Saint, which was completely beyond everyone's expectation. If this kind of strength were placed in the outside world, it would definitely be more than enough to become a holy sect.

"You, the Dark Witch clan, don't even have the patience to wait for three days?" Soon, the group of strangely dressed villagers came closer, and the leader, an old woman, slammed her crutches on the ground and said angrily.

This old woman has gray hair and wrinkles on her face, and is thin and stooped. She can't tell how old she is, but judging from the fluctuations in her energy, she is obviously a strong person in the realm of Emperor Saint.

The Dark Witch Clan? Gu Fenghua and others were stunned.

"Junior Gu Fenghua accidentally entered your place with his companions and disturbed all seniors. Please forgive me." Gu Fenghua immediately realized that the other party must have misunderstood something and explained politely.

With their strength, they are not afraid of each other, but they come to Jiuyou Valley with important responsibilities, so there is no need to create complications.

"Aren't you from the Dark Witch clan?" After hearing her explanation, an honest-looking old man behind the old woman asked doubtfully.

"Second Elder, please don't be deceived by them. Apart from the Dark Witch clan, who can break through the Demonic Soul Valley and who can open the ancestral restriction?" Before Gu Fenghua could reply, the old woman shouted again in a high voice.

The so-called Demon Soul Valley is probably the Nine Nether Valley outside.

"This senior has misunderstood. We really accidentally entered your land by mistake. We have nothing to do with the Dark Witch Clan. We have never even heard of the Dark Witch Clan before." Gu Fenghua quickly defended.

"Did you really break in accidentally?" Seeing Gu Fenghua's sincere words, the old man with a kind face asked again.

"It's absolutely true." Not only Gu Fenghua, but Luo Enen and others also said in unison.

"Huh, you broke in by mistake? In the past tens of thousands of years, who has the ability to break into the Demon Soul Valley by mistake! Don't listen to their nonsense, arrest them first." The old woman was not moved at all.

As soon as she finished speaking, she jumped up and stretched out her hands like chicken claws to grab Gu Fenghua.

What a speed! Gu Fenghua was slightly shocked.

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