My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5563 5563 It’s so unreasonable

It can be seen that although the old woman was full of hostility towards them, she did not believe her explanation at all. She did not kill innocent people indiscriminately. She did not use all her strength, and she did not even reveal the holy pearl. However, her movement was still as fast as a ghost, and Weird and unpredictable.

If it were anyone else, even a strong person of the eighth level of Emperor Saint, she would probably be caught off guard by such a sudden blow.

However, Gu Fenghua is not someone else. Her strongest strength is not only her cultivation of the ninth grade of Emperor Saint, but also her divine sense, which is even stronger than that of Jun Envoy. Although this old woman's movements were as fast as a ghost and unpredictable, she was still able to see through her at a glance.

Gu Fenghua raised his hand and easily blocked the chicken feet caught by the old woman. The holy energy came out of her body, and the old woman was shaken and flew out.

"How dare you do something in our Holy Witch Valley, and how dare you say that you are not from the Dark Witch clan!" The old woman flew out three feet away, steadied herself, and roared again with a high pitched voice.

It could be seen that the old woman was obviously very angry after being knocked away by a palm from a young junior, and her skinny body was trembling.

Gu Fenghua was a little confused: He was a member of the Dark Witch clan who took action in the Holy Witch Valley? In other words, no matter who it is, they can't make a move when they come to Holy Witch Valley. Even if they are slapped on the left cheek by you, they can only smile and move the other cheek towards you. What kind of truth is this?

From the Tianji Continent to the Wuji Holy Heaven, from the Tianji Domain to the Xuanji Domain and then to the Lingji Domain, Gu Fenghua has seen a lot of unreasonable people, and she has also seen a lot of arrogant and domineering people, but she is really unreasonable like this. Not seen.

Unknowingly, Gu Fenghua became a little angry.

"Go ahead, arrest them all. Anyone who dares to resist will be killed!" The old woman became even more angry. She shouted an order and rushed towards Gu Fenghua again.

Seven golden holy beads appeared between her eyebrows. As expected, she was not weak, and she was actually a strong person of the seventh rank of Emperor Saint.

It is obviously useless to reason with such people, the only option is to take action! Gu Fenghua raised his sword.

"First Elder, stop it!" The kind-faced Second Elder was startled and quickly stopped him.

The others stopped when they heard the words, but the old woman turned a deaf ear and raised the crutch made of an unknown tree at Gu Fenghua!

Hey, something is weird! With this one-foot strike, Gu Fenghua was surprised to find that the aura of the old woman suddenly increased, reaching the eighth level of Emperor Saint, and even faintly reaching the ninth level of Emperor Saint.

There are many ways for Wu Level Holy Heaven to temporarily improve his cultivation, such as taking holy pills, self-exploding blood essence, self-exploding holy beads and holy soul, or using strange magic techniques such as golden needles to pierce the soul.

But no matter which method is used, there must be traces to follow - well, the four words " traces to follow" are actually pretentious. In fact, as long as you are not blind, you can see what method the other party used to force improvement. Cultivation.

But Gu Fenghua could see clearly that the old woman opposite had definitely not taken any holy pills, nor had she exploded her own essence, blood, or self-exploded holy beads or soul, nor had she pierced her brain with a long golden needle.

However, her aura increased significantly in an instant, reaching the eighth level of Emperor Saint, and vaguely even reaching the ninth level of Emperor Saint.

Could it be because of that crutch? If you borrow some special magic weapons or artifacts, your combat power can be greatly improved in a short period of time. The Qi that emerges is somewhat similar to the improvement of your cultivation level.

Gu Fenghua's eyes moved and fell on the strange crutch in the old woman's hand, which looked like the roots of an old tree. But as her spiritual thoughts circulated, she became even more confused.

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