My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5569 5569 You are a descendant of the Eastern Emperor!

"Then why did you come to the Holy Witch Valley and become a saint of the ancient witch clan?" After thinking about it, Gu Fenghua asked again.

"This is about the catastrophe tens of thousands of years ago. In order to deal with that catastrophe, countless strong human beings generously died one after another, even the monsters and beasts were no exception, and the ancient witch clan was certainly no exception.

After the disaster, some members of the ancient witch clan returned to the Holy Witch Valley to recuperate and seal the Holy Witch Valley permanently. There are still many people living outside, and our ancestors of the Song family are one of them.

As generations passed, the bloodlines of other descendants of the ancient witch clan gradually became thinner and became like ordinary people. They could no longer practice the skills of the ancient witch and thus forgot the origin of the ancient witch clan.

As for our Song Dynasty lineage, although we live in Tianji Continent, perhaps because our ancestors are too powerful, we have always retained the bloodline of the ancient witch clan, and even preserved the secret method of returning to the Holy Witch Valley. However, due to some changes in the middle, the ancient witch clan's cultivation method was still lost.

My sister accidentally discovered this secret when she was sorting out her ancestors' relics. She always wanted to take me back to the Holy Witch Valley. Unfortunately, she was killed just when she was about to succeed, and she ended up hating Jiuquan. According to the information she compiled, I found the ancient teleportation formation left by my ancestors, and finally helped her realize her wish and returned to the Holy Witch Valley.

Because of her bloodline, she was regarded as a saint of the ancient witch clan. "Song Yu'an collected his thoughts and replied.

"So that's it. Who is the ancestor of your Song family, and his bloodline is so powerful?" Luo Enen asked curiously.

Other descendants of the ancient witch clan are living outside, unable to practice the ancient witchcraft because their bloodline is gradually thinning, and they have even forgotten their origins and disappeared from all living beings. However, because of their ancestors, the Song family has continued to exist for tens of thousands of years. Her bloodline was intact, and she was even regarded as a saint as soon as she returned to the Holy Witch Valley. How powerful should that ancestor of the Song family be?

"I don't know his name either. I only heard that he once founded his own kingdom and was called the Eastern Emperor." Song Yu'an replied.

"Emperor Donghuang, you are the descendant of Emperor Donghuang!" Gu Fenghua and others almost had their eyes popped out.

Listening to what Song Yu'an said just now, they guessed that the ancestor of the Song family had a big background, but they didn't expect it to be so big. On the other hand, it is no wonder that Emperor Donghuang is so powerful. It turns out that he is a member of the ancient witch clan and practices ancient witch secrets.

"Have you ever heard of Emperor Donghuang?" Song Yu'an obviously didn't know much about this ancestor who was once famous all over the world and is still remembered by the world. Seeing the surprised look of Gu Fenghua and others, Song Yu'an was a little confused.

"Emperor Donghuang, how could you not have heard of him? He is second only to the three great saints, and even stronger than the three saints in some aspects. By the way, the Tianji Chamber of Commerce is still there in Dongji City. The president is also his descendant and a relative of yours. Do you know Tianji Chamber of Commerce, one of the three major chambers of commerce in Wuji Holy Sky?" Luo Enen held his chin in both hands, extremely excited.

"Why are you so excited?" Fatty Bai looked at Luo Enen inexplicably.

Although Song Yuan's life experience is indeed incredible, the once powerful Wuji Holy Heaven was as bright as the clouds and stars, and his descendants are all over the continent. Even if Song Yuan is a descendant of the Eastern Emperor, there is no need to be so excited.

"Nonsense, of course it's because you can hold your thighs. Descendant of the Dongji Emperor, a saint from the Holy Witch Clan, she has such big thighs." Luo Enen hugged Song Yu'an and said confidently.

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