My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5570 What secret does 5570 protect?

"Ahem, cough... With your current strength, is it really necessary to hug someone else's thigh?" Fatty Bai was almost choked by Luo Enen and was speechless.

Gu Fenghua and others also looked at Miss Luo with strange eyes: You are a strong person of the eighth level of Emperor Saint. Looking at the entire Wuji Holy Heaven, except for the three great saints and the eighteen emperors, there are only a handful of people who are stronger than you. You have thick legs, but you still want to hug other people’s legs all day long?

Sure enough, the world has changed, but Miss Luo, who has no ambition, will never change.

"It seems so." Luo Enen put his chin in his hand, thinking deeply.

"If you want to hug my thigh, I'm afraid there's no hope." After seeing each other for several years, Luo Enen has not changed much from when we parted. He is still so unambitious, and Song Yu'an couldn't help laughing.

"Why?" Gu Fenghua said somewhat puzzled.

Song Yu'an knew nothing about Luo Enen's current cultivation level, but he decided that she had no hope of hugging his thigh. Obviously there was another reason.

"According to the ancestral teachings, people in the Holy Wizard Valley can only go out once every thousand years, and they are not allowed to reveal the news about the ancient wizard clan to outsiders, so there is no use hugging my thigh. After leaving the Holy Wizard Valley, who knows which onion I am? ?" Song Yuan said mockingly.

"How come there is such a strange ancestral teaching?" Luo Enen asked.

"I heard that after the end of the great catastrophe, the ancient witch clan made some kind of agreement with a strong man.

He arranged a sealing formation for the Holy Witch Valley to maintain the aura of the Holy Witch Valley and ensure the inheritance of the ancient witchcraft. However, the ancient witch clan must stay in the Holy Witch Valley forever.

It seems to be protecting some secret for him. Until one day, someone unlocks this secret, and the ancient witch clan can return to the Wuji Holy Heaven. "Song Yu'an said.

Hearing what she said, everyone's minds were moved: Could the secret guarded by the ancient witch clan be related to the scroll?

"What secret?" Gu Fenghua asked impatiently.

"I don't know about this." Song Yu'an shook his head.

"What about the elders? Don't they know?" Gu Fenghua asked.

"I don't know." Song Yuan continued to shake his head.

"How is this possible? Since the ancient witch clan has reached an agreement with that powerful man to help him protect the secret, how can it be possible that they know nothing about the secret?" Luo Enen said very puzzled.

“When I first heard about this, I felt a little strange, but later I learned that an accident had happened in the Holy Witch Valley.

I’m not sure about the time, but maybe thousands of years ago, an outsider entered the Holy Witch Valley by chance, deceived the elders with their sweet talk, and secretly stole the secrets of the ancient witch.

The incident was revealed midway, and the saint and the elders of the Holy Witch Valley joined forces to besiege. But he didn't expect that the man's cultivation level was extremely high. After a fierce battle, not only the saint and several elders were killed on the spot, but also the elite descendants of the ancient witch clan suffered heavy casualties. The man also successfully escaped from the Holy Witch Valley.

It was only then that the people in Holy Wizard Valley knew that the man who entered Holy Wizard Valley was not by chance, but came prepared. Otherwise, even if several elders died in battle and the defensive formation in the valley was not broken, he would never be able to do so easily. escape.

Because that secret had been passed down orally by the elders since ancient times, and if they suddenly died in battle, no one would know the secret anymore. "Song Yu'an explained.

They thought that the secret guarded by the ancient witch clan for generations must be related to the scroll. Gu Fenghua and others were full of expectations, but they did not expect that this secret had been lost thousands of years ago. They could not hide their disappointment when they heard this.

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