My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5585 5585The latter is highly likely

The little old woman glanced coldly at everyone's faces, gave a heavy "hum" and said, "Jiang Liangshi is old and stupid, and you are also stupid?

In these tens of thousands of years, I have never heard of anyone possessing the power of Hongmeng. What does it mean that Gu Fenghua understood the ancient witchcraft so quickly? Doesn't it mean that she has already practiced the ancient witchcraft? She is clearly a spy sent by the underworld witch clan! "

Hearing the words of the little old woman, everyone was shocked: Yes, she was able to comprehend the art of ancient witchcraft so quickly, either because she possesses the power of Hongmeng, or because she has already practiced the art of ancient witchcraft.

In comparison, the possibility of the former is very slim, but the possibility of the latter is very, very high!

Everyone fell silent, and even Jiang Liangshi couldn't say anything more. Although he had no doubts about the Holy Lady, he did not dare to take risks when it came to the life and death of the spirit witch clan.

"Great Elder, believe me for once. Fenghua has absolutely no ill intentions towards my spiritual witch clan, and it is even more impossible for her to have anything to do with the underworld witch clan. She really possesses the power of Hongmeng!" Among all the people, only Song Yu'an is still alive. Insisting.

Unfortunately, Ji Mingfeng didn't say another word, turned around and left the Holy Witch Hall.

Through the crack in the door, Song Yu'an watched the back of the little old woman walking further and further away, kicking the palace door hard, and was so angry that she almost shed tears.

"Don't worry, Holy Lady. The Great Elder is just a little too cautious. He has no ill intentions towards your friends. He will naturally let you out after the thousand-year competition." Jiang Liangshi couldn't bear it and said comfortingly.

But knowing that this kind of comfort was meaningless, he didn't say much, sighed secretly, and left the hall with the other ancient witch clansmen.

"This damn old woman is so stubborn, let's see how I deal with her in the future!" Song Yu'an lost his temper for a while, returned to Luo Enen and others, sat down and said gloomily.

"Forget it, ignore her. Let's wait until Fenghua fully understands the art of ancient witchcraft and see what else she has to say." Luo Enen patted her on the shoulder and said carelessly.

Isn't it just a few days in seclusion? Others spend years and decades in seclusion. Anyway, she has food and drink, so she doesn't care.

"I'm actually a little worried about the Thousand-Year Competition. The second elder and the others are right. The Dark Witch clan dared to make a death pact this time, probably because they were confident. Fenghua understood the ancient wizard's skills so quickly, and maybe he could be of great help.

But the Great Elder has made up his mind. It is impossible to open the restriction before the competition is over. If an accident occurs by then, we are afraid that there will be nothing we can do. Song Yuan said with a frown.

"Can't this ban be opened by others?" Ye Wuse asked Song Yu'an, but his eyes glanced at Zhong Lingxiu intentionally or unintentionally.

Although his cultivation has reached the eighth level of the Emperor's Saint, and his attainments in formations have surpassed those of Fatty Bai, Luo Enen and others, he is still helpless in the face of the restrictions imposed by the ancient witch clan. If he really wants to hope, he can only Count on Zhong Lingxiu.

After all, the Zhong family founded the world with formations, and Zhong Lingxiu was a powerful person of the ninth rank of Emperor Saint. Although he was not as good as Gu Fenghua, he was still much stronger than him.

"The way of cultivation of the ancient witch clan is completely different from the way of saint cultivation, and the restrictions are also completely different. In such a short time, I can't do anything." Zhong Lingxiu received the look from him and shook his head without thinking. .

"The art of ancient witches is different from that of holy cultivators." Song Yu'an also shook his head and said frustratedly, "It is possible for holy cultivators to defeat the enemy by leapfrogging, but the art of ancient witches is absolutely impossible. Strong is strong, and weak is weak, unless the strength is strong No one can break the restrictions she has set unless she is the Great Elder.

If you have to break it by force, you will have to destroy the Holy Witch Hall together, and that cannot be done in a few days. "

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