My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5586 5586 should be just a coincidence

"Is the Great Elder the strongest in the Holy Witch Valley?" Ye Wuse asked.

"Not bad." Song Yuan became even more frustrated.

There are only three days. Even if Gu Fenghua has the power of Hongmeng and can easily comprehend the ancient witchcraft, he will never be able to surpass the Great Elder, let alone open the restriction set by her.

It would be fine if the competition goes well, but if something unexpected happens, they still won't be able to help at all.

Looking at Gu Fenghua who was still concentrating on understanding the ancient witchcraft, Song Yuan was worried.

Tianji Palace, Tianji Sage stood in front of the palace gate, looking at the endless sky. Several old men in black stood respectfully at the foot of the steps.

"How are things prepared?" Tianji Sage asked.

"Reporting to Lord Shengjun, the arrangements have been made." An old man replied.

"My subordinates have also made arrangements there." Another old man replied.

"The affairs of Xuanji Realm and Lingji Realm have also been arranged." The other two old men said in unison.

"Everything is ready, just waiting for the bloody sun to come." The Holy Lord Tianji nodded and said with satisfaction.

"I observe the sky at night. It can be as short as three months or as long as half a year, which is the period when the Blood Sun is coming." Another old man said with an excited expression.

"Okay!" Tianji Shengjun Gujing Wubo also showed a bit of excitement on his face.

"Everyone, please step back. When the bloody sun comes, you can come and see me again." Then, the Holy Lord Tianji waved his hand, turned around and walked towards the main hall.

Several old men bowed in response and retreated one after another.

"I have something to report." At this moment, the space was distorted, and a figure appeared in front of the hall out of thin air.

Several old men seemed to be used to this scene and were not surprised. They just stopped at the same time.

"According to information from my subordinates, Gu Fenghua and his party entered Jiuyou Valley. The demon souls in the valley were rioting, but they suddenly subsided. My subordinates went in to investigate, but found no trace of them. It is very likely that they have gone to the Holy Witch. Valley." Without waiting for the Holy Lord Tianji to ask, the figure said quickly.

"What!" The expressions of the few old men who had not yet left changed when they heard this, and the back of Tianji Shengjun also froze.

"Are you sure the information is correct? They really went to Holy Witch Valley?" Tianji Holy Lord turned around and asked in a deep voice.

"Nine times out of ten!" the figure replied succinctly.

The face of Tianji Shengjun seemed to be covered with a dark cloud, and several old men on the steps lowered their heads, not daring to look at him.

"I will pass on the order to get rid of Gu Fenghua at all costs..." the figure said.

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the Holy Lord Tianji.

"No, you take action yourself!" Murderous intent flashed in Tianji Shengjun's eyes.

"Yes, sir." The figure bowed and saluted, disappearing from sight along with the distorted space.

The Holy Lord Tianji then turned around and walked towards the main hall. Everyone could see that his steps were much slower than before, giving people an inexplicable feeling of heavy oppression.

Watching Tianji Shengjun enter the main hall, the door slowly closed, and after a long time, several old men turned around and walked out of the palace.

"I didn't expect Gu Fenghua to go to the Holy Witch Valley. Could it be that he heard some rumors?" an old man said worriedly.

"Impossible, we were so careful and didn't leave any clues. What kind of news could she have heard?" Someone immediately retorted.

"Besides, if she hears something, Shangguan Haochen and others will naturally know about it, but judging from their recent actions, they obviously know nothing about it." Another person also echoed.

"I think we are overthinking it. It's probably just a coincidence." Someone breathed a sigh of relief and comforted himself.

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