My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5587 5587 Just wait for the good news

"Even if it's just a coincidence, it still makes people feel uneasy that she rushed to the Holy Wizard Valley at this time." Even though he said this, others were still worried.

"Don't you think too highly of Gu Fenghua? Lord Shengying personally took action. Why can't you feel at ease?" At this time, someone said coldly.

The others were slightly startled, and soon their frowns relaxed.

"Yes, yes, no matter how strong Gu Fenghua is, he can't be stronger than Lord Shengying. We are worrying too much. We are worrying too much."

"If Shangguan Haochen and others hadn't supported her last time, how could she have survived to this day? She actually dared to go to the Holy Witch Valley and didn't know whether to live or die."

"You can still live if you commit evil by God, but you can't live if you do evil on your own. We just have to wait for the good news from Master Shengying."

"Gu Fenghua is young and has such a level of cultivation. He can be regarded as a cultivation wizard that Wuji Holy Heaven only encounters in tens of thousands of years. It's a pity that he doesn't know how to advance or retreat. He has to be the enemy of the Holy Lord. It's a pity, it's a pity."

Everyone was talking as they walked, their faces no longer worried as before, and they even felt deep pity and regret for Gu Fenghua.

Three days passed by in a hurry. In the Holy Witch Hall, Gu Fenghua was still sitting cross-legged, staring at the ancient murals with slightly focused eyes.

In the demon pet space, colorful electric lights flashed alternately, bombarding Xiao Jianhua's body. The mysterious rhythm, using small flowers as a medium, connects Gu Fenghua with the ancient mural.

In my ears, there seems to be the soft whisper of the wind, the sound of the forest sea is like waves, and the tinkling of spring water. A vast but ethereal energy flows into the meridians, and the holy energy flows rapidly and condenses in the energy. ocean.

Gu Fenghua clearly noticed that his cultivation level was improving significantly.

She is a powerful person in the middle stage of the ninth rank of Emperor Saint. Most of the saint masters in the world cannot reach such a state after practicing for a lifetime or even practicing for reincarnations. And if you really want to reach this state, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky to continue improving. Even if you have practiced hard for thousands of years, you will not feel any improvement.

However, Gu Fenghua didn't have many surprises at this time. Not enough, this speed is far from enough!

She felt that the power contained in the mural was as vast as the sea of ​​stars, and the energy flowing into the meridians at this time was only one thousandth, or only one ten thousandth.

It was obvious that her understanding of the ancient witchcraft was not enough to reach its true mystery.

I immersed myself in the murals, as if I could see with my own eyes the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers of ancient times. Every big tree, every grass, every waterfall and stream was so clearly visible. However, I always felt that there was a thin layer. The thin gauze blocks the eyes, seemingly within reach, but cannot be penetrated no matter what.

Luo Enen and others sat cross-legged beside her, their minds melting into a void.

At first, they just had nothing to do, thinking that it was better to find something to do when they were idle, so they bit the bullet and continued to stare at the murals with Gu Fenghua, and continued to understand the ancient witchcraft based on the practice secrets they had read before. technique.

But gradually, the aura that arose from the mural and Gu Fenghua became stronger and stronger, and even enveloped them. Unknowingly, their minds also entered the sky, and they felt the mysterious and vast qi, the holy energy. It circulates rapidly, and the cultivation level also increases accordingly.

Later, Song Yu'an also noticed something strange, was surprised and happy, and started practicing accordingly.

The square outside the Holy Witch Temple was now dark and crowded with people.

Today is the day of the thousand-year competition between the Spirit Witch Clan and the Underworld Witch Clan. Everyone in the Spirit Witch Clan is gathered here, waiting for the arrival of the Underworld Witch Clan.

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