My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5598 5598 You can figure it out

By the way, the power of Hongmeng, the Holy Lady once said that Gu Fenghua possessed the power of Hongmeng, but it went in and out of her left ear, so she didn't take it seriously at all.

It turns out that the Holy Lady did not lie with her words, she really possesses the power of Hongmeng!

"Great Elder, hurry up and meet the Holy Witch!" Jiang Liangshi pulled the corner of Ji Mingfeng's clothes and reminded him anxiously.

"Brother, disciple Ji Mingfeng, pay your respects to the Holy Witch." Ji Mingfeng came back to his senses and fell to the ground in fear.

According to the ancestral teachings of the ancient witch clan, no matter who he or she is, as long as he or she can understand the mystery in the murals and understand the true secret of the ancient witchcraft, he or she is the co-master of the ancient witch clan, that is, the holy witch!

However, since the end of the world-destroying catastrophe, the art of ancient witches has gradually declined, and the ancient witch clan has withered away. Only saints have been born, and no holy witches have been born again.

After tens of thousands of years, a holy witch finally appeared. No wonder the surrounding ancient witch clansmen were so excited.

But for Ji Mingfeng, besides being excited, she was more ashamed and uneasy.

Oh my God, she actually imprisoned the Holy Witch for three days, and even attacked the Holy Witch, trying to kill her!

The Ancient Witch Clan says that all things are equal, but they are not without hierarchy. If you dare to be disrespectful to the Holy Witch, you are an enemy of the entire Ancient Witch Clan. Even if the Holy Witch himself doesn't say anything, other Ancient Witch Clan members will regard him as an enemy. He was regarded as a mortal enemy, and his name was remembered in history for thousands of years.

"My disciple is blind and has offended the Holy Wizard. Please forgive me!" Ji Mingfeng lay on the ground, his whole body trembling, and he begged stammeringly.

Under the extreme fear, she even forgot the hatred in her heart and the blood feud of her only son.

Luo Enen and others also walked out of the hall at this time. When they saw Ji Mingfeng's trembling figure, all the depression in their hearts was wiped away: they were suspicious of someone, and they actually suspected Feng Hua. You can't imagine that now. Do you know you're wrong?

"Get up, those who don't know are not guilty. It's just a small misunderstanding. Let's get over it." Gu Fenghua stretched out his hand to help Ji Mingfeng and said to Ji Mingfeng.

She felt a little baffled that she suddenly became a holy witch, but she finally managed to stop Ji Mingfeng and Duanmu Linxiu before they died together, and Gu Fenghua breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Ji Mingfeng's temperament was extreme and unreasonable, and even she was so bored that she wanted to slap her away, but when she learned from Song Yu'an that her only son had been assassinated, she felt sympathy for the little old woman and was too lazy to talk to her anymore. Calculate.

"Thank you, Lord Holy Witch. Thank you, Lord Holy Witch." The little old woman was relieved and stood up shaking.

"Everyone, get up." Gu Fenghua was still not quite used to the identity of this holy witch. When he saw the prostrate figures around him, he felt uncomfortable all over and waved his hand again.

Duanmu Linxiu, Jiang Liangshi and others then stood up and looked at Gu Fenghua with awe in their eyes.

"Lord Holy Witch, Ji Ziwei's death really has nothing to do with our Ming witch clan. I hope Lord Holy Witch will investigate clearly." Duanmu Linxiu hesitated and said to Gu Fenghua.

Previously, he had only heard that the spirit witch clan was welcoming back the saint, but he had never heard any news about the saint witch, so he was completely confused about the holy wizard in front of him.

However, since the Holy Witch appears in the Holy Witch Valley and the Holy Witch Hall, he must have some connection with the Spirit Witch clan. If she is biased in believing, like Ji Mingfeng, she believes that Ji Ziwei died at the hands of the Nether Witch Clan. She believes that the Nether Witch Clan has sent people to sneak back to the Holy Valley to assassinate the Ling Wu Clan in recent years. Those who welcome the Nether Witch Clan must be doomed. disaster.

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