My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5599 5599 Gu Fenghua secretly rejoiced

Facing Gu Fenghua's unfathomable ancient shamanic skills, he didn't even have the chance to activate the Destiny Shaman Soul to Die Together.

"If you weren't from the Dark Witch clan, how could you be..." As soon as Duanmu Linxiu spoke, the hatred that Ji Mingfeng had just forgotten immediately came back, and he asked sharply again.

But before he finished speaking, he realized that the Lord Holy Witch was still in front of him and could not tolerate his arrogance. He quickly stopped talking and said to Gu Fenghua with a sad look on his face: "Not only my son Wei, over the years, there have been nine members of the Lingwu clan. The genius descendant was brutally killed, I beg you, Lord Holy Witch, to make the decision for my clan of spirit wizards."

Behind them, except for Jiang Liangshi and a few elders who looked thoughtful, other members of the Spirit Witch tribe looked at the Ming Witch tribe opposite, their eyes full of hatred.

"This matter is a bit strange. Elder Ji, don't worry. When the truth is found out, I will definitely seek justice for the spirit witch clan." Gu Fenghua said thoughtfully.

She didn't know anything about what happened in the Holy Witch Valley before, and she intuitively felt that Duanmu Linxiu was not lying. Besides, with Duanmu Linxiu's strength, no one in the Lingwu clan could rival him, and there was indeed no need for him to send people to assassinate the descendants of the Lingwu clan.

However, Old Lady Ji was right to ask, if it wasn’t the Dark Witch clan, who else could it be?

Hearing what Gu Fenghua said, Ji Mingfeng's eyes showed a bit of unwillingness, but he did not dare to show off.

Gu Fenghua saw through her unwillingness at a glance and didn't say anything more. She was guided by the scroll to come to Holy Witch Valley with the purpose of finding a way to resolve the catastrophe of annihilation. As for the grudges between the Spirit Witch clan and the Dark Witch clan, she would find a way to find out the truth later.

"Elder Duanmu, I heard that when the Lingwu clan left, they took part of the murals with them?" Gu Fenghua asked Duanmu Lin Xiudao.

"Yes, we, the Dark Witch clan, returned to the Holy Witch Valley this time to return the murals, promote our ancient witchcraft, and work together to deal with the catastrophe of world destruction." Duanmu Linxiu bowed and answered.

"Have you brought the mural?" Gu Fenghua asked.

"I brought it back and sealed it in this staff." Duanmu Linxiu replied.

Gu Fenghua was secretly thankful that he had stopped the two of them in time. Otherwise, when they died together, the staff would also be destroyed, and the murals sealed in it would probably also be destroyed.

"That's good, Elder Duanmu, please come with me." Gu Fenghua said and walked towards the main hall.

Duanmu Linxiu knew her intention was to re-brand the mural on the main hall, and followed her step by step.

Ji Mingfeng obviously still couldn't trust him, and was afraid that this "old thief" would do anything. Accompanying Gu Fenghua on the other side, a pair of hen eyes were rolling around, staring at Duanmu Linxiu for a moment.

At this moment, Gu Fenghua's heart suddenly palpitated, and a strong sense of crisis surged into his heart, making even the hairs on his back stand on end.

Except for the previous times when she tried to use the power of her blood to pull out the divine sword, this was the first time she felt such a strong crisis.

"Be careful!" Without thinking, Gu Fenghua reached out and pushed Duanmu Linxiu and Ji Mingxiu out. At the same time, he quickly turned around, grabbed the hilt of the sword and slashed out.

Her movements were not unpleasant, but just as she turned around, a figure appeared out of thin air, and the sword in his hand pierced her heart like lightning.

"Qiang!" Gold and iron clashed, and Gu Fenghua slashed his sword at the tip of the sword that was stabbing at him.

Although he blocked the fatal blow at the last moment, Gu Fenghua acted hastily on instinct and did not even have time to gather his holy energy, so he could not display his true strength. But the opponent's sword was obviously prepared and had been gathering momentum for a long time.

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