Powerful holy energy came through the sword, and Gu Fenghua felt as if he was hit in the chest by a huge boulder and flew out fiercely.

"Bang!" Gu Fenghua slammed into the Holy Witch Hall, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

The sudden change occurred, and the surrounding Ancient Witch clansmen were shocked, but Luo Enen and others reacted immediately.

"Fenghua!" With shouts of shock and anger, Luo Enen, Bai Fatty, Ye Wuse, Xie Youran, Fang Tianyou, Zhong Lingxiu, Fang Muyun and others flew out at the same time, trying to block Gu Fenghua's body. forward.

I originally thought that if the man managed to injure Gu Fenghua with a sword in a sneak attack, he would pursue her fiercely and try to kill her on the spot.

But they thought wrong. The man did not attack Gu Fenghua again. Instead, he stretched out his sword and stabbed towards Luo Enen like an arrow from the string.

What a speed!

Although Luo Enen has been practicing for a long time and has extremely fast reactions. As soon as she saw the man changing his target and stabbing her, she immediately drew her sword in front of her, but the man's speed was too fast. Before she could fully gather her holy energy, I heard a soft "clang" sound.

Huge power poured into the sword and into the chest like a tide.

In a hurry, even Gu Fenghua couldn't resolve the tyrannical force, let alone Luo Enen. "Poof" a mouthful of blood spurted out, and she flew out.

Succeeding again, the figure turned around and stabbed towards Ye Wuse again.

Among everyone, except for Gu Fenghua, Ye Wuse had the strongest spiritual will and the fastest reaction.

If that person had chosen Ye Wuse from the beginning, he would probably have been caught off guard. However, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen were injured one after another, which gave him enough time to prepare.

In an instant, Ye Wuse's eyes were reddish, with tears glistening in his eyes. Using the Ye family's ancestral imperial ruthless technique, he raised his spiritual consciousness to the extreme and locked onto the opponent. The long sword in his hand buzzed, emitting a dazzling light. .

But at this moment, the other party's figure suddenly disappeared.

Ye Wuse's eyes sharply focused: Not only did the other party's figure disappear out of thin air, but even his Qi completely disappeared. With his powerful spiritual mind second only to Gu Fenghua, he could no longer sense the other party's existence. What kind of holy method was this? ?

Suddenly, the hairs on my back stood up, and an unprecedented sense of crisis came to my mind. Although he still didn't notice the opponent's energy, Ye Wuse made a decisive decision, turned around and struck out with his sword.

And almost at the same time as he turned around, the strange figure suddenly appeared behind him, and the long sword pierced his heart.

Although Ye Wuse's reaction was decisive enough, the enemy was in the dark and we were clear, and he turned around hastily, so he was still half a minute too late. This sword only slightly shook the opponent's long sword away, avoiding the vital point of his heart. The sharp sword body still pierced his lower ribs, and a blood arrow spurted out.

The holy energy poured into the body, and his internal organs seemed to be hit by an iron hammer. Ye Wuse staggered back several steps, and his face instantly turned pale.

Although he was seriously injured, Ye Wuse was secretly grateful: Fortunately, his spiritual sense was not weak, and his intuition of danger was extremely keen, otherwise his life would probably not have been saved under this sword.

A sword severely wounded Ye Wuse, and the man's figure disappeared out of thin air again. Then, like a ghost, it disappeared and appeared, attacking Fatty Bai, Fang Tianyou, Xie Youran and others one after another.

Fatty Bai and the others were already on guard at this time, but facing that man's weird movement skills and lightning-fast swordsmanship, even Ye Wuse, whose spiritual consciousness was second only to Gu Fenghua, was unable to guard against him. Of course, they were even more overwhelmed. .

With several muffled groans in succession, Fatty Bai and others were also injured by the opponent's sword.

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