My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5616 5616 Maybe he has another adventure

"Why?" Fang Tianyou asked puzzledly.

"Because although the Yunlong Sky Shadow Mirror can hide the qi of the body, it cannot hide the qi of the space object itself. It's okay if others don't take precautions. If they take precautions and catch you by surprise, you will die even more miserably." Gu Fenghua said.

This was the reason why she had unexpectedly severely damaged Tuoba Dragon City before. Although Tuoba Longcheng may sound conceited, the losses it suffered were substantial. If it weren't for this reason, it would really be unclear who would win and who would lose in this battle.

Tuoba Longcheng's death served as a warning, and she didn't want Fang Tianyou to end up in the same fate one day.

After all, he is now a strong man of the seventh level of Emperor Saint. He can defeat opponents weaker than him with strength. He does not need Yunlong Tianying Mirror. But when facing opponents stronger than him, Yunlong Tianying Mirror is a double weapon. With an edged sword, if you are lucky, you will hurt the enemy; if you are not lucky, you will hurt yourself.

"So, this broken mirror is useless?" Fang Tianyou curled his lips in a philistine manner, and the artifact was immediately downgraded to a broken mirror again.

"You are right, it is indeed useless." Gu Fenghua nodded, confirming his statement.

In fact, the Yunlong Sky Shadow Mirror was reduced to useless because the artifact spirit was too damaged. If the artifact spirit could be re-condensed, it would be a... a peerless artifact that could travel around the world to kill people and stab Leng in the back.

However, Gu Fenghua knows that the Yunlong Sky Shadow Mirror involves space rules, which are also the most magical and profound rules of the art of weapons. Its spirit cannot be condensed by condensation. At least for now, it seems impossible even for her to do it. arrive.

After hearing what she said, the green light in Fang Tianyou's eyes completely dissipated, and he didn't even bother to take a second look at the broken metal.

"Although it's a bit useless, it's amazing that Tuoba Dragon City can refine such a magical weapon and the subtlety and mystery of ancient witchcraft." Zhong Lingxiu couldn't help but sigh.

Although the Yunlong Tianyin Mirror still had fatal flaws, with her understanding of the art of refining weapons, she also knew how difficult it was to make such a magical weapon.

"It seems that he is not using ancient witchcraft." Gu Fenghua was carefully examining the Yunlong Sky Shadow Mirror in his hand, and said with a strange expression when he heard this.

Although she has only been exposed to ancient witchcraft for a short period of time, and it is impossible for her to learn all the ancient witchcraft and magic, what she has learned from the murals is the most fundamental secret of ancient witchcraft.

If the Yunlong Tianying Mirror in her hand was refined using ancient witchcraft techniques, she would easily be able to understand the techniques and techniques within it. However, it was obvious that the refining method and ancient witchcraft secrets used in the Yunlong Tianying Mirror were It has nothing to do with it at all, and it is completely different from Wuji Shengtian's common weapon refining technique, but it is somewhat similar to her Tianxuan weapon technique.

Could it be that this artifact comes from the supreme heaven?

"It is indeed not the art of ancient witches. Our ancient witch clan does not have such art of refining weapons." Ji Mingfeng, Duanmu Linxiu, Jiang Liangshi and others also said in unison.

Thousands of years ago, Tuoba Dragon City killed the saint and several elders. Many ancient witchcraft books were destroyed in that battle, but the art of refining weapons was preserved intact. They can be sure that with the skills of ancient witches, they will never It is possible to refine an artifact like the Yunlong Sky Shadow Mirror.

"So, the Yunlong Sky Shadow Mirror was not made by Tuoba Dragon City?" Zhong Lingxiu said.

"We don't know about this. Maybe he has another adventure." Duanmu Linxiu shook his head and said.

"By the way, elders, what is the origin of Tuoba Dragon City?" Gu Fenghua asked.

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