My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5617 5617 There once was a peerless genius

Just now, she heard them vaguely mention the origin of Tuoba Dragon City, but it was not clear. She always felt that the appearance of this person was not that simple.

"Originally, the ancient witch clan was not divided into spiritual witches and dark witches, but was divided into several major clans based on blood, such as the Ji clan, the Jiang clan, the Duanmu clan, and the Tuoba clan.

Nowadays, the ancient witch clan is withering away, and the so-called clan no longer exists. However, tens of thousands of years ago, even at the beginning of the disaster, all the major clans were prosperous, and among them, the Tuoba clan was the strongest. , was regarded as the leader of all ancient witch clans.

At that time, the Tuoba clan once produced a peerless genius named Tuoba Wentian. It is said that his talent was not inferior to that of several saints and sages. I believe you can think of what such a talented person is ultimately pursuing without me having to say more.

However, as we all know, the spiritual energy of Wuji Holy Sky in ancient times was far superior to that of later generations. Although the catastrophe of world destruction was a huge disaster for Wuji Holy Sky, it also brought great opportunities, so that was also An era in which strong men emerge in large numbers. Several saints who were born in that era were unable to break the limits of heaven and earth, let alone Tuoba Wentian who was born in later generations.

However, this person is worthy of being a peerless prodigy who emerged from our ancient witch clan tens of thousands of years ago. He has been unable to break the limits of the world for a long time, so he actually found another way and came up with another method. " Duanmu Linxiu paused slightly when he said this, and his tone became heavy.

"What method?" Zhong Lingxiu, Ye Wuse and others asked in unison.

"I don't know the specific method. I only know that the method is too harmful to Tianhe and will bring annihilation to my ancient witch clan, and even bring another catastrophe to the entire Wuji Holy Heaven, so it is called It is a forbidden technique and is opposed by other major clans.

But not only Tuoba Wentian, but also other members of the Tuoba tribe were stubborn and insisted on using forbidden techniques. In desperation, the other major clans could only join forces to force them to stop. A great battle broke out between the two sides, causing heavy casualties among all clans, and the Tuoba clan was wiped out.

However, the situation of the ancient witch clan at that time was not as bad as it is today. People from the major clans often traveled abroad, and some people from the Tuoba clan escaped disaster. Considering that they were both members of the ancient witch clan and had not participated in the previous wars, and were not even aware of what Tuoba Wentian and others were doing, the ancestors of our various clans just let them go and did not involve the Tuoba clan. Kill them all.

Then the spiritual energy of heaven and earth became increasingly thin, and the ancient witch clansmen living outside basically lost their inheritance. In the Holy Witch Valley, many descendants even forgot that there was once a Tuoba clan among the major clans. But I didn't expect that the Tuoba clan would create a Tuoba Dragon City. If the Holy Witch hadn't been here today, our ancient witch clan would probably have perished. "When Duanmu Linxiu said it to the end, he looked very happy.

"Yes, if it weren't for the Holy Witch, our two clans would kill each other. I'd probably die without knowing by whose hands my son died. What would he look like when he went to Jiuquan to meet his ancestors?" Ji Mingfeng was also afraid. said with emotion.

"God bless my ancient witch clan! Tuoba Longcheng has been planning for so many years, but I never dreamed that the Holy Witch would come to the Holy Wizard Valley at this time." Jiang Liangshi also said with emotion.

The surrounding Ancient Witch clansmen were naturally very happy when they heard this.

"No, he has been wary of me for a long time. He probably knew that I would come to Holy Witch Valley." Gu Fenghua shook his head and said.

"Oh?" Duanmu Linxiu and others all looked confused.

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