My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5621 5621 Waiting for Gu Fenghua’s return

"Believe in Fenghua, she will be fine." Luo Enen sat down cross-legged again and said confidently.

If it had been any other time, she might have been worried. However, the scroll mark clearly refers not to the Nine Nether Valley, but to the Holy Pill Valley hidden in the Nine Nether Valley. It refers to the murals in the Holy Witch Hall. What does she have to worry about.

Although Luo Enen and others didn't care at all, Ji Mingfeng, Duanmu Linxiu and others were still worried, trying hard to understand the secrets of the ancient witch, hoping to open the door again and find the Holy Witch.

It's a pity that Gu Fenghua relied on the power of Hongmeng to open the door. They had no power of Hongmeng, and their cultivation and ancient witchcraft were far inferior to Gu Fenghua's, so how could they possibly achieve their wish.

In the end, Ji Mingfeng and others had no choice but to give up and continue to comprehend the secrets of ancient witchcraft while waiting for Gu Fenghua's return.

Tianji Mountain stretches for three thousand miles and has a total of 28 peaks.

In Wuji Holy Heaven, such a mountain range is definitely not a famous mountain, but Tianji Mountain is regarded as a holy place by countless people.

The reason is very simple. The highest peak of Tianji Mountain is called Tianji Peak, and the palace above it is called Tianji Palace. It is the place of cultivation and living of the Tianji Saint Lord.

Although Tianji Peak is famous for Tianji Sage King, the mountain is actually not high and not majestic. This is true even for the main peak Tianji Peak, and of course the other twenty-seven peaks are no exception.

Yuxia Peak is one of the twenty-seven peaks. If Tianji Peak had not been so famous, it is estimated that no one in the world would know the name of Yuxia Peak, and even this ordinary peak would not have a name at all.

However, today's Yuxia Peak is obviously somewhat different from the Yuxia Peak in the world's impression.

The sea of ​​clouds between the peaks undulates, and a brilliant light emerges under the reflection of the rising sun. An ancient tower reveals a spire among the sea of ​​clouds, like a legendary pagoda in fairyland.

The pagoda is actually not very high, but it gives people a majestic feeling that it towers straight into the sky and towers over the heaven and earth.

The Holy Lord Tianji stood on the top of Yuxia Peak, gazing at the pagoda looming among the sea of ​​clouds. The mountain breeze blows by, and the clothes are fluttering, as if I want to ride the wind back.

"Is there no news about Dragon City yet?" After a long time, the Holy Lord Tianji asked.

"I haven't received any news from Lord Shengying yet." An old man beside him said respectfully.

The Lord Shengying in his mouth is Tuoba Longcheng, the most powerful subordinate of Tianji Holy Lord, and also the most mysterious subordinate, who almost never appears in front of outsiders.

There was a hint of worry in Tianji Shengjun's eyes. Although it only flashed by, it still fell into the eyes of the old man.

"Lord Saint, why don't you let Lord Longcheng keep the soul jade?" The old man was silent for a moment and asked tentatively.

The natal soul jade is a kind of divine soul brand. If the holy master is injured or dies, the natal soul jade will crack or completely break. It is more advanced than the life cards used by ordinary holy sects.

"He is practicing ancient witchcraft and cannot leave his natal soul jade." The Holy Lord Tianji shook his head and said.

Although the method of holy cultivation comes from the art of ancient witches, and there is no difference in the level of the cultivation system, the cultivation methods are very different, so the ancient witch tribe cannot imprint the soul and leave the natal soul jade like the holy master.

"Lord Saint Lord, don't worry. With Lord Shengying's strength, there shouldn't be any accidents." The old man said comfortingly.

"Last time I took action personally, I thought there would be no accidents." In Tianji Shengjun's mind, Gu Fenghua's young face appeared again. He sighed, feeling inexplicably irritable.

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