If there were no accidents, Gu Fenghua and others would have died in the abyss long ago. If there were no accidents, she would have died without a burial place the day he appeared in Longyin Mountain Range.

But there are so many what-ifs in the world. The fact before us is that accidents happened again and again. Gu Fenghua was not only alive and kicking, but also went to the Holy Witch Valley.

If I had known this earlier, I shouldn't have acted in a hurry. If they do it in private, no matter how much Shangguan Haochen and others protect her, they can still guard her from morning to night. The Holy Lord Tianji couldn't help but secretly regret it.

Unfortunately, it's too late to regret now. Now everyone in the world knows that he hates Gu Fenghua because of the incident between his eldest grandson Luocang and Duan Qingyun. Once Gu Fenghua had an accident and he happened to be away from Tianji Mountain, everyone would be suspicious of him.

Although he is one of the three most powerful men in the Wuji Holy Heaven, the strength of the Eighteen Lord Envoys is not weak, especially Shangguan Haochen. If he leaves Tianji Mountain rashly, there will always be some clues, and he may not be able to hide it from Shangguan Haochen and others.

Now that everything is ready, all he needs is the east wind. He must not make a single mistake.

"In that battle thousands of years ago, Master Shengying had destroyed the ancient witch secret book. As a result, the ancient witch clan was divided into two branches: spiritual witches and dark witches, and most of the inheritance was broken. I think even if Master Shengying fails this time, Gu Fenghua can't stir up any trouble." Thinking of Gu Fenghua's escape from death time and time again, and the support of Shangguan Haochen and others, the old man was secretly uneasy, but he still said comfortingly.

"I hope so." Tianji Sage said.

Although he was still inexplicably irritated, he knew very well that at this juncture, he must not take action easily. He could only hope that Tuoba Dragon City could get rid of Gu Fenghua, and at the same time, he also hoped that the ancient witch clan did not leave anything behind that might harm him. Ancient inheritance.

The Holy Lord Tianji took a deep breath, tried to calm down his irritable mood, and looked towards the rising red sun on the horizon.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed, and his majestic face revealed a hint of uncontrollable excitement.

The morning sun was rising, and a soft halo appeared around it, faintly revealing a bit of coquettish blood!

Sunrise and sunset.

At Yuxia Peak, the Holy Lord Tianji still stood at the top of the peak, staring at the pagoda that was disappearing and appearing in the sea of ​​clouds. There was no longer the worry in his eyes, only the excitement that could not be concealed.

"How are Shangguan Haochen and others doing?" Tianji Shengjun tried his best to suppress his excitement and asked.

"Reporting to Your Majesty the Holy Lord, there are many cracks in the Purple Heaven Prison barrier, and they are gradually overwhelmed." An old man stepped forward and bowed to answer.

"Okay, very good." Tianji Shengjun nodded, and then asked, "Is there any news about Tuoba Longcheng, Gu Fenghua and others?"

"There is no news about Lord Shengying yet, and Gu Fenghua and others have not even taken a step out of the Nine Nether Valley." Another old man stepped forward and replied.

"There is no news from Dragon City yet, and Gu Fenghua has not left Jiuyou Valley..." Tianji Shengjun pondered for a moment, and soon, his slightly frowning eyebrows relaxed, he waved his hand and said, "That's it, the bloody sun has appeared, and great things are about to happen. , don’t pay attention to her.”

"Pass this order to me, the Holy Lord of Tianji, and order all the envoys of the Wuji Holy Heaven and powerful men from all sects to come to the Tianji Palace to discuss the matter of the great calamity." The Holy Lord of Tianji ordered.

"Yes, sir!" Several old men behind him cheered up and responded in unison, their eyes flashing with fanatical light.

At the same time, at the edge of the Wuji Holy Heaven, a muffled sound came from an ancient and dilapidated stone palace.

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