"Do you think it has something to do with the coming of the Blood Sun?" Gu Fenghua said solemnly.

If Tantai Yunsu guessed correctly, those ancient powerful men recorded in historical records did greatly increase their strength in breaking through the bottleneck due to the advent of the Blood Sun, then it would be very important for the Netherworld Sandstorm to be affected by it and thus have a significant increase in power. It's possible.

"The bloody sun is coming!" Ye Wuse and others were shocked.

I have to say that Gu Fenghua's guess is very reasonable.

However, if the substantial increase in power contained in the Netherworld Sandstorm is related to the coming of the Blood Sun, then what impact will such a vision of heaven and earth have on Wuji Holy Heaven?

Everyone looked at each other, feeling suddenly inexplicably uneasy.

"I think we must rush to Longzhong as soon as possible." At this time, Tantai Yunsu's voice sounded again.

Before Gu Fenghua and others could speak, she continued: "If the improvement in strength of those ancient powerful men and the change in power of the Netherworld Sandstorm are related to the coming of the Blood Sun, it may not be a bad thing for us.

But good and evil depend on each other. No one can be sure what kind of changes this bloody sun will bring to Wuji Holy Heaven, so we still can't be careless.

The blood of all beasts must be refined as soon as possible to resolve the crisis in Purple Heaven Prison. "

Gu Fenghua looked at the scroll in his hand with a helpless expression.

Judging from the changes in the talisman formation, they had just deviated from the direction to avoid the sandstorm and were further away from the Dragon Tomb.

Although at the speed of the flying boat across the clouds, such a slight deviation is nothing, but the appearance of the Netherworld Sandstorm is irregular, and now its power has greatly increased. Once it appears, it is difficult to even hide, let alone break through. In the past, one could not expect Zhong Lingxiu to continuously burst out his holy energy.

Judging from the unconcealable tiredness in her eyes, she probably wouldn't be able to recover in three to five days, and she wouldn't be able to explode even if she wanted to.

"By the way, Tianfangtu." Luo Enen thought of something and his eyes suddenly lit up.

A few years ago, they entered the Netherworld Sand Sea to participate in the Wuji Trial. They used the Tianfang Diagram given by Lu Fangyuan to escape the Netherworld Sandstorm again and again, and finally passed the test easily.

"It's useless, don't forget that this is Wuji Holy Heaven, not Tianji Continent." Of course Gu Fenghua had already thought of what Luo Enen could think of. She took out the Tianfang Diagram and sighed.

Sure enough, the Tian Fang Tu, which was so brilliant in the Netherworld Sand Sea of ​​Tianji Continent, had no reaction at all when it came to Wuji Holy Heaven.

Miss Luo originally had an excited face, but when she looked at the plain and motionless Tianfang Diagram, she suddenly lost her energy like a deflated rubber ball.

"Help, Master, help..." Just when everyone was helpless, a shrill cry for help sounded.

On the sand dunes in the distance, several figures were rolling and crawling all the way, with dozens of black figures chasing after them. Although the distance was still far away, since the Netherworld Sandstorm disappeared and the entire sand sea fell into deathly silence, the cry for help could still be heard clearly.

Night had already fallen, and only a half-moon cast a faint, hazy light. As Zhong Lingxiu and others stopped their hand seals, the Yundu Feizhou formation also stopped operating. The dazzling silver light disappeared and merged with the surrounding undulating sand dunes.

While those people were running toward them, they turned around and looked back in panic, but they didn't even notice the Yundu Feizhou that had landed on the ground in front of them.

But this was not important. Before they could escape to Duyun Feizhou, dozens of black shadows had already chased after them. However, they did not rush to attack. Instead, they stood in front of them and let out a sound. A low roar.

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