My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5644 5644 Monsters also learn to rob?

Demon king lizard! Only then did Gu Fenghua and others notice that the black shadows with their heads raised and roaring were actually the Demon King Lizard.

Although he didn't have the habit of meddling in other people's business, Gu Fenghua couldn't just watch his kind become the delicacies of monsters right in front of him. Opening the door, everyone rushed towards the surrounded figures at the same time.

Under the air restriction, even with their eighth- and ninth-grade Emperor Saint cultivations, they were unable to ride the wind in the Netherworld Sand Sea. They could only fly across the soft sand surface like a dragonfly touching water.

Fortunately, only the ability to control the wind was restricted, but his own cultivation was not affected at all. Everyone approached quickly and silently, and the demon king lizards were not aware of it.

However, as they gradually got closer, Gu Fenghua and others could feel that these demon king lizards had a formidable aura and were obviously much stronger than the demon king lizards they had seen a few years ago.

Although they were not afraid of this due to their cultivation of the eighth and ninth levels of the Emperor Saint, the few people blocked by the Demon King Lizard were disheveled and panting. It was obvious that they were not strong enough to face such a powerful monster. But it was obvious that he had no power to resist.

Therefore, they did not dare to be careless and grasped the hilt of the sword at the same time.

"I opened this mountain and planted this tree. I want to cross here and leave money to buy the road." At this moment, a demon king monitor lizard surrounded by many of its kind suddenly stood upright and let go. A loud roar came from his throat.

The roar was so powerful and deafening that Gu Fenghua and others stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

When did monsters learn to rob? I opened this mountain and planted this tree. Please open your lizard eyes and take a good look. Is there a mountain or a tree here?

The few men who were blocked by the Demon King Lizard and who thought they were certain to die were also shocked by the roar. They looked at the "bandits" in front of them, dumbfounded.

"Did you hear that? If you want to survive, please leave the money to buy the road. Hand over all the spiritual stones you have to me, otherwise I will eat you until all your bones are left!" Seeing that they had no reaction at all, the Demon King Lizard started again. He yelled viciously.

"Ang..." Beside him, other demon king lizards also roared loudly, seeming to cheer for the boss.

"Do you think we are like people who can hold spiritual stones?" Several men finally came to their senses, and one of them, an old man with gray hair, said with a wry smile.

"You have no money?" The demon king lizard looked at several people carefully and asked.

These people were in ragged clothes, with disheveled hair and dirty faces. They looked even more miserable than beggars, and they really didn't look like rich people.

"No." The old man shook his head and said with a sad look on his face.

"Where's the elixir?" asked the Demon King Lizard.

"No." The old man replied.

"Where's the magic weapon?"


"There are no spiritual stones, no elixirs, no magic weapons, nothing, and you have the nerve to come to the Netherworld Sand Sea!" The Demon King Lizard became angry and roared at the old man again.

The old man was stunned, and his expression became even more sad: What does this mean? We came to the Netherworld Sand Sea with us just to be your money-catching boy. We have to prepare the spiritual stone, pill, and magic weapon for you in advance. Right?

This, this is too bullying.

The Demon King Lizard tilted its huge head and looked at the people in front of him, seeming to be thinking about something or hesitating.

The boss didn't say anything, and the other Demon King Lizards didn't dare to act rashly, or even dared to speak out loud. After a while, one of the demon king lizards came a few steps closer and let out an inaudible roar, as if whispering something to the boss.

"What, Jie Se, you want me to rob you of sex?" Listening to its low whisper, the old elephant jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

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