My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5648 5648 I didn’t expect to have friendship with a monster

"Yes, yes, I didn't expect that there really is such a treasure as the Dingsha Pearl in the world. When I was injured by that damn dragon, I thought I would definitely die. I didn't expect to be so lucky. Not only did I not die, but I also After picking up this sand-fixing bead and visiting the Wuji Holy Heaven, it turns out that if you survive a disaster, you will be lucky..." The big lizard grinned, and its habit of chattering broke out again.

"Let's go." Tantai Yunsu didn't have time to listen to its nonsense, so he grabbed the Fengfeng Pearl and threw it to Gu Fenghua.

"Uh...that's mine." Jin Zhetian grinned and said blankly.

"I know, it's mine now, do you have any objections?" Tantai Yunsu raised his head, and the long leg he had just retracted moved slightly, assuming a posture about to swing his leg and kick it sideways.

"No, no, it's just a sand-fixing bead. If Master Tantai likes it, just take it." The poor Demon Lizard King pursed his lips and tried to squeeze out a smile, but his smile turned out to be uglier than crying. .

What kind of demon king is he? He is clearly just a doormat. Gu Fenghua and others looked at it deeply, their eyes full of sympathy.

"We borrowed this sand-fixing bead for a while, and will return it to you after use." Gu Fenghua finally couldn't bear to see it, patted Jin Zhetian's huge lizard head, and said comfortingly.

"You don't have to pay it back, you can keep it if you like." Anyway, this boring loss was settled, Jin Zhetian was generous, waving his big fleshy paws, and said cheerfully.

But looking at the dejected look, I guess my heart is bleeding.

"You have to pay it back. I will pay it back to you once the matter with Longzhong is over." Gu Fenghua insisted.

A gentleman will not take away what others love. She will never be greedy for what belongs to her own people.

"Dragon Tomb, are you going to Dragon Tomb?" The big lizard, who was still downcast and seemed to have been drained of all his energy and energy, was shocked, and a green light suddenly appeared in his two copper bell-like eyes.

"Do you also know Longzhong?" Gu Fenghua asked.

"I know, how could I not know? That is the burial place of the ancient Dragon Clan. I heard that the Dragon Clan loves to collect rare treasures and will be buried with them when they die. I have decided to go to the Dragon Tomb with you!" The green light in Jin Zhetian's eyes burned like fire, and Gu Fenghua could even hear the sound of him swallowing hard.

"We have other important matters going to Longzhong, so don't go and cause trouble." Tantai Yunsu frowned and said.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'll go take a look, just take a look." Jin Zhetian raised his head, and his originally ferocious face showed a very human and serious expression.

"You promise to just take a look? Let me remind you that there are many dangers in the Dragon Tomb. If you seek death yourself, no one can save you." Tantai Yunsu said.

"I promise, promise!" Jin Zhetian raised his paws and patted his chest hard, but the green flames in his eyes showed no sign of extinguishing.

Gu Fenghua suddenly felt that this big lizard seemed to have the potential to seek death.

After all, he had snatched someone else's Dingsha Pearl. Seeing Jin Zhetian's insistence, Gu Fenghua couldn't refuse and looked at the men again.

Several people probably never dreamed that these people in front of them would actually have friendship with the ferocious Demon King Lizard. Although they escaped death, they did not dare to leave and were looking at them with dull expressions.

"There seems to be some changes in the Netherworld Sand Sea during this time. The sandstorm is much stronger than before. It is not suitable for you to experience. It is better to leave as soon as possible." Seeing that several people were in ragged clothes and had unkempt hair and dirty faces, it was really pitiful. Gu Fenghua took out a few bottles Shengdan was thrown over.

She could see that the strongest among them was only at the first level of Emperor Saint, and the weak ones were not even lower than Emperor Saint. If it were in the past, it wouldn't be a big problem to come to the Netherworld Sand Sea for training, but today's Netherworld Sandstorm is several times or even ten times more powerful than before. If they continue to stay here, even if they don't encounter the Demon King Lizard, they will end up with nothing but A dead end.

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