My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5649 My previous self was really wrong

"The world is so big, where is there room for us?" the gray-haired old man at the head said sadly.

"Oh?" Gu Fenghua glanced at him doubtfully, suddenly feeling familiar.

"It's you!" Soon, she remembered who this person was.

Zongzheng Mingyang, the old man who looked like a beggar in front of him was actually Zongzheng Mingyang, the senior brother of Yu Xuanyang, the lord of Guanxing City.

In order to protect Star Observation City and the people in the city, the disciples of Star Observation City in the past generations followed the ancestral precepts and sacrificed their own cultivation to maintain the city defense formation. Therefore, the cultivation levels of past disciples, including the city lord, were not too high.

Zongzheng Mingyang relied on his extraordinary talents and was unwilling to compromise his cultivation like his predecessors, so he rebelled against Star Observation City.

When Gu Fenghua and others went to Stargazing City, they happened to encounter Zong Zheng Mingyang who bribed a traitor to seize the position of city lord. It was with their help that Yu Xuanyang shattered Zongzheng Mingyang's conspiracy and drove him out of Stargazing City again.

Although Zongzheng Mingyang was seriously injured at the time, Gu Fenghua did not expect that he would be in such a state of despair.

"Fleeing here and there, I finally fell into your hands. Just do it!" Zongzheng Mingyang had obviously recognized Gu Fenghua, raised his head, and said with a sad look on his face.

"Why did you come to the Netherworld Sand Sea?" Gu Fenghua did not take action, but said strangely.

Although Zongzheng Mingyang was willing to destroy the tens of thousands of years of Star Observation City's foundation in order to improve his cultivation and abandon the common people who had been protected by his predecessors for generations, this not only violated the ancestral precepts of Star Observation City, but was also completely inconsistent with her beliefs. But in Gu Fenghua's view, this is actually just a dispute over ideas, not a serious crime.

In fact, even Zhong Lingxiu next to him, a disciple of the Holy Lord, once regarded the weak as ants, and it was also impossible for him to give up his way of being strong for ordinary people, let alone others.

The fifth young lady of the Gu family had never regarded herself as a saint, so naturally she had no intention of putting Zong Zheng Mingyang to death.

"Do you think Yu Xuanyang will give us a chance to survive? Even if we escape to Luo Xing Gorge, there will be no place for us. Where else can we hide except the Netherworld Sand Sea?" Zong Zheng Mingyang said with a sad smile.

Only then did Gu Fenghua realize that he had underestimated Yu Xuanyang. I know the truth of cutting grass without eradicating the roots but the spring breeze will bring new growth. How could he, the majestic lord of a city, not understand?

Presumably when he left Stargazing City, Yu Xuanyang had already started sending people to hunt down Zongzheng Mingyang.

Zongzheng Mingyang and others were seriously injured and their cultivation was greatly damaged. They were no match for them. Apart from the Netherworld Sand Sea, there was really no place to stay.

"That's all, let's go. Now that the Purple Heaven Prison barrier has broken down one after another and Wuji Holy Heaven is in danger, City Master Yu probably can't care about you anymore." Gu Fenghua waved his hand and said.

"You won't kill us?" Zongzheng Mingyang looked at Gu Fenghua in surprise.

"Is that necessary?" Gu Fenghua glanced at him and said proudly.

Not to mention that Zongzheng Mingyang's cultivation level has fallen to the first level of Emperor Saint. Even if he recovers his cultivation level, she will completely ignore him, so why bother.

Although she didn't say much, from the disdainful tone and proud look, it was not difficult for Zongzheng Mingyang to guess what she was thinking, and her dusty old face felt hot.

Ants! He understood that in Gu Fenghua's eyes, he was no more than an ant, and he had no interest in even stepping on him.

Once upon a time, he also regarded the world as ants, and felt that life and death were justifiable. Now, when he has become an ant in the eyes of others, he realizes how shameful this feeling is.

Wrong, my previous self was really wrong! Zongzheng Mingyang lowered his head in shame.

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