Although the surging blood river was imprisoned in the broken space, as soon as he crossed the barrier, waves of oppressive Qi came towards him, just like a ten-thousand-meter-high mountain pressing down on his head, making it impossible to cross the thunder pool. Half step.

This is the pressure from ancient monsters, and it is the pressure from thousands of ancient monsters.

Invisible pressure shrouded her head, and Gu Fenghua felt her breathing stagnant. Even the holy energy flowing in her meridians seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, running several times slower than before, and her body involuntarily stopped.

This is true even for her, not to mention others. Luo Enen and others who were following closely behind them stopped at the same time, and Tantai Yunsu's slender and graceful figure became more illusory and hazy.

"Senior Tantai, please go back first. Just leave the affairs here to us." Gu Fenghua calmed down and said.

Tantai Yunsu beside him was just a holy soul Taoist body. His vitality had been severely damaged after tens of thousands of years of waiting, and he could not withstand the powerful pressure from thousands of ancient monsters.

Although the Holy Soul Taoist body is only equivalent to a clone, if it is destroyed, the original body will also suffer heavy losses, and even the cultivation level will drop significantly.

More importantly, if the blood of the beasts is successfully refined, the next step will be to rush to the Purple Heaven Prison. Tantai Yunsu's guidance will be indispensable then, and Gu Fenghua doesn't want anything to happen to her.

"Then you should be more careful." Tantai Yunsu knew his situation and did not try to show off. He swayed and turned into a stream of light, returning to the spiritual jade.

"Senior Situ, you also go back." Gu Fenghua said to Situ Yunqi again.

Among everyone, Situ Yunqi and Jin Zhetian are the weakest. However, as a monster, Jin Zhetian's physical defense and vitality are definitely not comparable to humans, and the pressure of ancient monsters does not seem to affect it. It was too threatening, so Gu Fenghua was not worried about it.

What really worries her is Situ Yunqi. It's not easy for this old bastard to live to such an old age, and she doesn't want to cause him to lose his life in vain.

"Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. Now the Wuji Holy Heaven is at stake, and the lives and deaths of thousands of people are on the line. Although I, Situ Yunqi, have mediocre cultivation and poor academic skills, as a holy master, how can I stay out of the matter." Situ Yunqi clenched his long sword. , said righteously.

While he was talking, his white hair was dancing in the wind, and he looked even more heroic and tragic even though thousands of people had gone there.

I didn't expect that the old magic stick would have such noble sentiments of compassion for the world and helping the common people! Luo Enen and others looked at Situ Yunqi in surprise, with some inexplicable admiration in their eyes.

Although in order to refine the blood of the beasts, Gu Fenghua can fear no life and death, and they who follow Gu Fenghua can also ignore life and death, but after all, they are the strong ones of the eighth and ninth grades of the Emperor's Saint, and death is not that easy. .

But this old magic stick has only entered the realm of Emperor Saint not long ago, and his strength is far behind them. Of course, it is even more valuable to risk one's life like this.

"Senior Tantai has already said that the Purple Heaven Prison Barrier can still last for ten thousand years, and there will be no major changes within at least a thousand years, so you don't have to worry." Gu Fenghua glanced at Situ Yunqi and said lightly.

She has now determined that the reason for the continuous breakdown of the Purple Heaven Prison barrier is because of someone behind it, and the situation is not as dangerous as everyone imagined.

Although if you want to truly resolve the crisis in the Purple Heaven Prison, you still have to refine the blood of the beasts. At this time, there is a sudden change in the Dragon Tomb, and there is no time to delay. But with Situ Shengun's strength, there is no need to accompany them on the adventure. .

"Yes, Senior Situ, just leave this place to Fenghua and us. Just don't follow me." Luo Enen rarely put aside his prejudices and said to Situ Yunqi softly.

Fatty Bai, Fang Tianyou, and Xie Youran stood in front of him without hesitation and refused to let him run away to die.

"Actually...actually I just want to visit the Dragon Tomb." Situ Yunqi said with a sly smile.

Gu Fenghua rolled her eyes. She knew that this old man was not that great.

Luo Enen and Fatty Bai had expressions of grief and indignation on their faces: what a bullshit, how to pity the world, what a bullshit, to help the common people, this old man clearly wanted to commit suicide.

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