My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5656 5656 Finding wealth in danger

Forget it, if he wants to die, let him do it. Anyway, this old bastard has never succeeded in trying to die. On the contrary, the longer he lives, the more energetic he becomes. The fat white man and the others, who had been deceived in their feelings, moved away to give Situ Shengun a way to commit suicide.

In the broken space, the river of blood was still churning, condensing thousands of beast shadows, and the pressure of the ancient monsters was like an invisible mountain, pouring down on everyone.

But Luo Enen, Bai Fatty, Ye Wuse, and Fang Muyun have all been promoted to the ninth level of Emperor Saint. Gu Fenghua has reached the peak of ninth level Emperor Saint. Zhong Lingxiu is only one step away from the peak of ninth level Emperor Saint. Compared to Gu Fenghua, even the weakest Fang Tianyou and Xie Youran had reached the eighth level of Emperor Saint, so they adapted quickly.

Continuously operating the technique, the stagnant holy energy circulates again, faster and faster, faster and faster.

Everyone looked at each other, stepped into the void, and continued to fly towards the broken space.

Closer, closer!

Although the blood river was formed by the natal essence and blood of ancient demonic beasts and had long since lost their demonic souls, upon sensing the approach of Gu Fenghua and others, it still erupted with a heart-stopping violence. That is the ferocity derived from the bloodline and is not affected by the soul at all.

The moment they rushed into the broken space, the blood river boiled completely, and the entire broken space seemed to be ignited by bloody flames.

Countless animal forms were also burning with bloody flames, rushing towards them!

Different from the beast shadows condensed by demon souls, the beast shapes condensed from the natal blood of ancient demon beasts look so weird that it is difficult to tell what race they come from, but they are real entities.

This means that once you are hit by these bloody monsters, the outcome is not much different from being hit by a real monster. It is not surprising that you are torn into pieces.

"One sword, cut off the wilderness!"

"Jiutian, Phantom Thunder!"

"Beidou, Ba Tian!"

"Holy soul, the sky is broken!"

Sword rays came towards them, and Gu Fenghua, Luo En'en, Fatty Bai, Ye Wuse, Fang Tianyou, Xie Youran and others slashed out their strongest swords in unison.

The six sword lights converged into one and cut into the thousands of beast shapes like the beginning of the world. The surging river of blood stagnated for a moment, as if time had stopped at this moment.

Thousands of blood-colored beast shapes shattered and turned into blood-red mist and dispersed, revealing an open space with a radius of a hundred feet.

"So easy!" Luo Enen said in surprise as she followed Gu Fenghua into the broken space.

Before, looking at the churning river of blood, looking at the countless strange but ferocious blood-colored beasts, and feeling the ferocity and powerful pressure originating from the blood of the monster beasts, she felt really unsure.

But they didn't expect that this so-called blood river of beasts looked scary, but in fact it was so vulnerable that they could kill thousands of beasts with just one sword attack. At this rate, they would only need a dozen swords at most to completely kill these bloody beasts. Miss Luo was at ease.

"Haha, I knew there would be no danger in following you. Wealth and honor can be found in danger, wealth and honor can be found in danger." Situ Yunqi followed them without even a chance to make a move, with an old face smiling as if peach blossoms were in full bloom.

"Didn't you say Dragon Tomb? Why is there nothing?" Jin Zhetian grinned widely and showed an anthropomorphic smile, but he turned his head and looked around, his eyes full of doubts.

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