My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5657 5657 I haven’t really died after trying to die for so many years.

The land beneath their feet was already barren and dry. Within a hundred feet, there was nothing except these uninvited guests. There were no dragon bones as expected, and there were no expected treasures brought by the ancient dragon clan for burial.

Situ Yunqi's smile solidified, and he also looked confused.

Subconsciously, the two of them looked into the depths of the broken space at the same time.

It's a pity that although Gu Fenghua and others joined forces to kill thousands of beasts with one sword, exposing such a large open space, the river of blood was still rolling around. Even with their eyesight and spiritual thoughts at the level of the Emperor's Saint, they were unable to penetrate the long and empty space. River of blood. Not to mention them, even Gu Fenghua couldn't see through it.

"Let's go take a look." People who like to seek death can always easily find a common language, and people who seek death and demons are no exception. Before the words were spoken, the man and the demon took big strides towards the broken space at the same time. Rush away.

Although the river of blood was still churning endlessly, condensing into thousands of animal shapes, but after seeing the results of Gu Fenghua and others' sword, they believed that even if they couldn't kill them like them with their own strength, they should be able to rush through the river of blood. not a problem.

Of course, they may also encounter some dangers, but wealth can only be found in danger. How can people who are accustomed to seek death take this danger to heart?

Obviously, they overestimated themselves, or underestimated the blood river of thousands of beasts formed by the natal essence and blood of thousands of ancient monsters.

Not long after he rushed out, a bloody mist suddenly filled his eyes. Almost in an instant, hundreds of beasts condensed into shapes, waving their sharp claws, opening their bloody mouths and rushing toward them. This was a real bloody mouth. Even if you held your breath, you could still smell the strong smell. bloody.

Situ Yunqi was well prepared and struck out with his sword without fear.

Jin Zhetian roared wildly, stretched out his four legs, lowered his huge lizard head and bumped into it.

"Well..." The next moment, the man and the beast were heard groaning at the same time, and flew back.

Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse reached down on them at the same time to help them get rid of the tyrannical power.

Stabilizing their bodies, both Situ Shengun and Jin Da Demon King were shocked.

Only then did they realize how powerful the bloody beast form was.

It was only then that they realized how terrifying the combined sword power of Gu Fenghua and others was.

Even though they killed thousands of blood-colored beasts with just one sword, only those who have experienced it personally will know that the powerful power contained in those blood-colored beasts is not the so-called emperor saint like them at all. The strong can contend.

That is not the power of the demon spirit, but the power from the demon beast itself. Although there is no soul, no intelligence, and even no body and bones, only the essence and blood are left, but the power contained has become purer and more powerful.

"Fenghua, I won't cause any trouble for you. Let's go back and wait for you." Situ Yunqi forced out a difficult sneer and said to everyone.

"I'll give it to you." Jin Zhetian said seriously.

"No, I'll just go back by myself. You stay to help." Situ Yunqi declined politely.

"No, it's too dangerous for you to go back alone. We are companions, and we must not let you take risks alone." Jin Zhetian insisted.

That ugly lizard face became more serious, and he almost had the words "Yi Bo Yuntian" carved on his forehead.

No wonder these two guys have been trying to die for so many years but have never really died. They are still alive and kicking until now. There is indeed a reason. Gu Fenghua and others secretly admired him.

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