Thin threads of blood oozed from the corners of Luo Enen and others' mouths. Fang Tianyou and Xie Youran not only had blood ooze from the corners of their mouths, but also the palms holding their swords were dripping with blood.

Situ Yunqi and Jin Zhetian were even more exhausted and retreated to Gu Fenghua's side. The former used his last strength to hold the long sword, and the latter used his last strength to raise his head, guarding against any fish that slipped through the net. Gu Fenghua's side.

However, looking at their feeble looks, if a fish that slipped through the net were to rush over, they would probably be unable to resist it, and would only die.

Gu Fenghua was also sweating, and his face was full of anxiety. She had tried her best, because the speed of making the hand seals was so fast that her fingers began to twitch, but even so, the refined blood essence of the monsters was only one-third.

"Could it be that we really have no choice but to give up? But if we give up, what should we do to resolve the crisis in Purple Heaven Prison?" Gu Fenghua knew that if she persisted like this, not only Luo Enen and others, but also herself might exhaust everything. Shengqi died here, but she really couldn't be willing to give up like this.

In the future, when the Purple Heaven Prison barrier is completely broken, thousands of living beings are devastated, and even the entire Wuji Holy Heaven, including the Tianji Continent, is destroyed because of this, she will not be able to forgive herself.

Suddenly, a dragon roar came from his ears.

This dragon's roar is so vast and distant, as if it spans time and space, but there is an inexplicable anger and depression in it.

In an instant, the ferocious blood-colored beasts around him disappeared, the boiling blood river calmed down, and the heart-stopping violence and pressure from the ancient monsters also receded.

This is... Luo Enen and others who were holding the sword tightly and preparing to slash with all their strength were suddenly startled. The sword stopped in mid-air and looked towards the direction where the dragon roar came from.

Gu Fenghua didn't dare to stop doing the hand seals, but after persisting for so long, she reached her limit. Seeing the boiling blood river calm down quickly, she felt relaxed and involuntarily slowed down, heading in the same direction. Look.

Deep in the broken space, thousands of dragon bones appeared in sight. The keels, big and small, were all lying prone on the ground, maintaining the same posture as they were at the moment of death.

Even though the flesh and blood has long since turned into dust, leaving only the gray skeleton, which remains in a prone position, one can still imagine the divine grace of the ancient dragon clan and feel the supreme majesty that towers over countless monsters. .

Dragon Tomb, there is the Dragon Tomb, the burial place of the ancient dragon clan!

In the center of the thousands of keels, there is an exceptionally huge keel. Even lying prone on the ground, it is ten feet tall and even a hundred feet long, several times larger than the largest dragon bones around.

What's even more surprising is that the other keel bones are all gray and white, but this one is covered with golden star points. The golden light flashes, making it even more majestic and sacred.

The pressure of the dragon clan fell from the sky, and everyone felt that their hearts were hit hard by a giant hammer, and their souls were lost for a moment.

Another confused, angry, and suppressed dragon roar sounded. The golden bone dragon slowly stood up, but it seemed to be suppressed by a force. The keels trembled and rubbed against each other, making a squeaking sound.

Everyone raised their heads, their eyes swept over the golden bone dragon, and finally stopped at the top of its head. I saw a tall figure standing in the air, stretching out a hand and pressing it on the golden bone dragon's head.

Compared with the golden bone dragon that was hundreds of feet long and ten feet high, his figure seemed so small, but that palm seemed to contain endless power. The golden bone dragon roared loudly and struggled, but could not stand up.

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