My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5662 5662 Didn’t expect it

"Yun Ji!" Looking at the tall and upright figure, Gu Fenghua exclaimed with joy.

"Brother Ye!"

"Brother Ye!" Luo Enen, Fatty Bai and others also exclaimed at the same time.

Yes, that young man with a stern face was Ye Yunji. At his feet, there were more than ten figures lying on the ground in various directions, one of them was Xu Qianmiao.

Without looking closely, you can see that Xu Qianmiao and others were seriously injured, but when they looked up, their faces were full of relief and joy.

Noticing the joy on the faces of Xu Qianmiao and others, Gu Fenghua was confused.

"Long Minghua, it's Long Minghua!" Tantai Yunsu's trembling exclamation suddenly sounded from Gu Fenghua's body.

In extreme shock, she couldn't help but reveal her body.

"What is the Dragon Ming Flower?" Luo Enen asked subconsciously.

To be able to surprise a senior master like Tantai Yunsu like this, how rare is the Dragon Ming Flower? Miss Luo's eyes began to sparkle again, even more dazzling than the golden bone dragon.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect that there really is a Dragon Minghua in this world." Tantai Yunsu seemed to have not heard her voice. He looked straight in the direction of the golden bone dragon and murmured in shock. muttering to himself.

Looking along her line of sight, she saw a small tree about one foot tall at the foot of the golden bone dragon, with its branches and leaves spread out, and a small flower at the top ready to bloom.

Because this small tree was so small, Gu Fenghua and others had not noticed it before, but once they discovered it, they could no longer look away.

From the tree pole to the branches, to the leaves, and then to the budding flowers, the Dragon Ming Flower that Tantai Yunsu mentioned was all green, as if it was carved from the most flawless jadeite in the world.

The green and crystal halo ripples like water waves, releasing mysterious rhythms.

Although they were thousands of feet away, Gu Fenghua and others still felt the mysterious rhythm, and their minds were as clear as ever.

The heaven and earth change, the sun and the moon alternate, the cycle of life and death, the joys and sorrows...In an instant, my heart is inexplicably filled with thousands of emotions and insights.

Daoyun! This Dragon Ming Flower actually contains Taoist rhyme, and it is not just one Taoist rhyme, but countless Taoist rhymes blended together.

Staring at the dazzlingly beautiful little flower that looked like an emerald carving, Gu Fenghua and others opened their eyes wide in surprise.

Heavenly materials and earthly treasures containing Taoist charms are rare, and heavenly materials and earthly treasures containing so many kinds of Taoist charms are even more unseen and unheard of.

"The Dragon Ming Flower is the legendary Dragon Clan's treasure. It was only born in the Dragon Clan's burial place and was nurtured by thousands of Dragon Clan Taoist charms.

Like us strong humans, dragons can also perceive the heaven and earth and form Tao Yun. However, it is difficult to preserve the Tao charm of strong human beings. Usually when the body dies, the Tao charm that has been comprehended throughout the whole life disappears. Compared with humans, dragons have a more powerful body, and their bones will remain intact for thousands of years after death. The Taoist charm they comprehended during their lifetimes is contained in them.

But precisely because it is too powerful, the Dragon Clan's Tao Yun only belongs to oneself. Even other Dragon Clan cannot comprehend it unless they can cultivate the Dragon Ming Flower.

It is said that the requirements for cultivating the Dragon Minghua are very demanding, requiring thousands of dragon bones, so it can only be born in the burial place of the Dragon Clan, and it requires countless opportunities, and it also requires tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years. Long years. "Tantai Yunsu seemed to have heard Luo Enen's question just now. He suppressed his excitement and explained.

Although the legend of Longming Flower has existed since ancient times, cultivating Longming Flower requires too many opportunities, so the legend remains a legend. In fact, there has never been a record of Longming Flower in historical materials.

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