My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5667 The greatest use of 5667 Longming Flower

At this time, Killing Feng had been suppressed, the blood river of all beasts was calm again, and the viciousness and viciousness in it was getting weaker and weaker. Her greatly depleted holy energy quickly recovered, and the speed of making hand seals became faster and faster.

In front of him, Taixu True Flame jumped happily, and countless runes danced gracefully. In mid-air, the huge network-like rune array began to tighten, and the long bloody river that was firmly imprisoned in it disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the swaying flames Among them, the blood became more and more solid and crystal clear.

Finally, the long river of blood that filled the surroundings completely disappeared, and the natal essence and blood of the ancient monster that Ye Lishang had condensed and sealed was completely refined.

The blood of all beasts was suspended in front of Gu Fenghua, like the purest red gemstone in the world, but it also contained the mysterious power of the origin of life.

The Taixu True Flame was swaying, and she did not stop doing the hand seals, because there was still the last trace of viciousness and viciousness in the blood of the beasts that had not been completely refined. However, she was not in a hurry. Even the natal essence and blood of thousands of ancient monsters had been completely refined. Of course, there was no difficulty in refining this last bit of viciousness, it would just take a little time.

While continuing to condense Taixu True Flame, Gu Fenghua turned his head and looked towards Ye Yunji.

Under the joint efforts of everyone to suppress it, Killing Feng finally lowered its proud head and fell to the ground. The golden star points on its body slowly disappeared, and even the angry dragon's roar became hoarse and weak.

Ye Yunji's palms were still pressing on Qi Feng's head, but his stern face no longer looked tired. A crystal clear, flawless halo enveloped his body, and the nine golden holy beads between his eyebrows emitted a dazzling light that almost pierced people's eyes.

Although the distance was still far away, Gu Fenghua clearly felt that an invisible layer of restrictions between heaven and earth was quietly breaking. Ye Yunji's aura continued to increase, and he gradually transcended the restrictions and was about to surpass the heaven and earth. .

He, he actually broke through the limits of heaven and earth at the peak of the ninth level of Emperor Saint!

Gu Fenghua looked at Ye Yunji in shock. The next moment, he suddenly discovered that not only Ye Yunji, but also the holy energy in his own meridians surged like a river and the sea. The last few bottlenecks at the peak of the ninth level of Emperor Saint were actually affected by the impact of the holy energy. They also broke through one after another, no longer limited by heaven and earth.

How is this going? Gu Fenghua was surprised and happy, but he did not forget the blood of the beasts. He continued to use his hand seals to keep the Taixu True Flame alive, while looking inside intently.

Soon, she discovered that a wonderful power was pouring into her meridians from all directions. This power was so ethereal and light, but it also contained thousands of charms.

In an instant, a dream-like picture emerged in Gu Fenghua's mind: the ancient land, the vast sea, ancient dragons rising into the sky, flying above the nine heavens, and their graceful figures contained a hidden meaning. Infinite power, the vast dragon roar brings endless pressure.

The dragon's claws waved, and the space burst; the dragon's tail swung, and the majestic peak collapsed; the dragon's breath spurted out, or heavy rain poured down, or ice and snow filled the sky, or fire and stars fell.

Daoyun! Gu Fenghua immediately realized that this was the Tao Yun left behind by countless ancient dragons in the Dragon Tomb.

Logically speaking, this is the unique understanding of heaven and earth of the Dragon Clan. Not to mention the human Saint Master, even those who are descendants of the Dragon Clan may not be able to understand it. In fact, Gu Fenghua was indeed unable to comprehend it, but this was not important. What was important was that with the help of countless ancient dragons' lifelong cultivation of heaven and earth insights, she was able to break the restrictions of heaven and earth and break through the peak limit of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint.

It turns out that breaking the restrictions between heaven and earth is the greatest use of Long Minghua. Looking at the Dragon Ming Flower that was already in full bloom, like an emerald carving, Gu Fenghua suddenly realized that he had surpassed the limits of heaven and earth and was still improving.

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