The blue Taixu True Flame had become pure and flawless at some point, and with just a few handprints, the last trace of viciousness and viciousness in the blood of all beasts was completely refined.

It was expected, so Gu Fenghua had no surprises. He quickly put the blood of all beasts into the storage bracelet, and then started to run the technique with all his strength. Although it has broken through the peak limit of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint, it has not reached the next level.

Although no one has ever told her what the next level is, she knows that this is her best chance. If she cannot advance successfully in one go, she will be like Shangguan Haochen and other envoys, stuck in the middle of the two realms. In fact, not only the eighteen monarchs, but also the three saint monarchs failed to successfully enter the next realm.

That is the realm that the powerful men of Wuji Shengtian have been pursuing hard for all generations, but they can't even dream of it! Although Gu Fenghua tried hard to get rid of distracting thoughts and concentrate on running the exercises, he still couldn't help but feel ups and downs in his heart.

The holy energy circulates rapidly, flowing surgingly through the meridians, condensing into the sea of ​​​​qi, rotating, condensing, and getting stronger and stronger.

Between the eyebrows, nine golden holy beads shine brightly, showing a faint color of seven colors.

The cultivation base is still improving, and the restrictions of heaven and earth are still being broken. There seems to be a threshold somewhere. As long as she steps over that threshold, she can enter another realm and a whole new world of cultivation.

Suddenly, the earth shook, and the beams of light that seemed to penetrate the void and projected into the broken space moved rapidly. The blurry light flickers, making people dazzled.

After a moment, the changing light stopped and gathered into a huge beam of light, like a transmission channel leading to the end of the void. Time and space stopped, and only a figure came quickly along the passage.

It seemed that it was just an instant, and it seemed that a long period of hundreds and thousands of years had passed, a middle-aged man appeared in everyone's sight.

With a face as sharp as a knife and an ax, he wore a black robe embroidered with gold and a jade belt around his waist. The ink-colored gemstone inlaid in the center gave off a lively halo. The middle-aged man stood proudly, exuding supreme majesty.

"Yun Ji, I haven't seen you for many years." The middle-aged man looked at Ye Yun Ji and said leisurely.

Ye Yunji looked at him indifferently, without saying a word.

"To be able to cultivate to such a level in this abandoned realm with thin spiritual energy is worthy of being a rare talent for our Holy Dragon clan." The middle-aged man looked deeply at Ye Yunji again, with a look on his face. It showed a bit of approval, but it also gave people an inexplicable cold feeling.

The Holy Dragon Clan! Gu Fenghua looked at the middle-aged man, his eyes slightly condensed.

Ye Yunji said that he escaped to Wuji Holy Heaven because he was hunted down due to civil strife within the Holy Dragon clan. And even when they reached Wuji Holy Heaven, those people did not give up the pursuit and kept looking for his whereabouts.

Judging from the tone, this middle-aged man is obviously one of the pursuers.

"Ye Moxuan, you killed your father and brother to seek power and usurp the throne, and you have the nerve to call yourself a member of the Holy Dragon Clan." Ye Yunji snorted coldly and finally spoke.

What! Gu Fenghua originally thought that this middle-aged man was just one of the pursuers, but he did not expect that he was the culprit of the civil strife in the Holy Dragon clan. She remained calm on the surface, but her fingers quietly grasped the hilt of the sword.

"My father is too old and too ignorant to advance or retreat. If he is allowed to have his own way, it will only lead to the destruction of our Holy Dragon clan. I do this for the safety and survival of the Holy Dragon clan." Ye Moxuan said lightly, his face There was no hint of guilt at all.

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