My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5682 5682 It’s all thanks to them

Silver-winged fire tigers, red-feathered celestial wolves, purple-souled wind wolves, giant demon-tusked elephants, bloodthirsty demon lizards, giant sky-swallowing crocodiles, groups of purple-souled beasts that they had seen or never seen before were rushing towards the purple soul beast like crazy. In the hinterland of Hell, billowing dust and smoke rolled up like a migrating herd of beasts.

Looking down from a high position, the beasts form a huge fan shape from near to far. It can be imagined that in other directions that are difficult to reach with the naked eye, the crazy purple soul beasts are also rushing towards the hinterland of the Purple Sky Hell.

Ye Wuse and Fatty Bai quickly made their hand seals, and the flying boat across the clouds turned into a ray of silver light and flew past the herd of beasts.

Before you know it, half a month has passed, and the beasts below are like hundreds of rivers converging into the sea, becoming more and more dense.

The closer to the hinterland of Purple Heaven Hell, the richer the world-destroying purple dust became, and later even covered the sky and the sun. Although it was driven by the Holy Spirit Stone, the formation on the flying boat was finally affected, the speed gradually slowed down, and the flying altitude also began to decrease.

Being in the flying boat, one can actually hear the thundering roars of the beasts that are full of killing intent, which is shocking to the mind.

Finally, an ancient city appeared in front of us. Although it has experienced tens of thousands of years of erosion, the tall and majestic city outline is still vaguely visible.

At this time, most of the surrounding city walls and buildings in the city were in ruins, and only a palace in the center of the city was still standing. The herds of purple soul beasts from all over the Purple Heaven Prison rushed towards the palace like a tide, but were blocked by an invisible barrier.

Thousands of purple soul beasts rushed towards the barrier crazily, trying to tear the barrier apart with their sharp fangs, sharp claws, and brutal strength, but they failed in vain. Their heads were bruised and bleeding, and they screamed. A shrill and crazier roar.

However, although the barrier has not been breached by the beasts, the light patterns are like ripples, and the proud and independent palace inside is crumbling, and it is obvious that it cannot support it for long.

"What is this place?" Luo Enen looked at the palace from a distance and asked in surprise.

"This is the Holy City, a city built by Master Master himself, a holy place in the hearts of countless Holy Masters in the past. That palace is called the Holy Palace, and the core of the barrier formation is in the palace." Tantai Yunsu He replied in a voice full of affection, with tears in his eyes.

The Holy City of the past was not only a holy place in the minds of countless Saint Masters, but also the most prosperous city in the entire continent. It had the most powerful defensive formation in the world, and there were even more powerful people gathering in the city.

Even at the most dangerous moment of the world-destroying catastrophe, this great city was not corroded by the world-destroying purple dust, and all people in the city still lived and worked in peace and contentment.

However, in order to imprison the Purple Soul Beast and the remnants of the World-Destroying Purple Dust, the Master finally gave up on the Holy City he had built with his own hands and set up a barrier around it to form the Purple Sky Prison. Only the defensive formation of this holy city can protect the formation eye and ensure that the Purple Sky Prison will not be broken for ten thousand years.

At this moment, Tantai Yunsu seemed to see the past glory and prosperity of the Holy City again, and saw the kind face of his master, and he felt mixed emotions in his heart.

"Who are those people?" Luo Enen pointed in the direction of the palace and asked curiously.

Only then did Tantai Yunsu notice that in front of the Saint's Hall, several figures were flying and making handprints. Across the thick purple mist, those figures were faintly visible, and they looked even smaller against the backdrop of the palace. If not for Luo Enen's sharp eyes, it would have been difficult to spot them.

"I don't know who they are, but looking at this situation, it's all thanks to them that the Saint's Palace can persist until now." Tantai Yunsu shook his head and said.

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