My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5683 5683The only thing that is certain is that

She was the only one who followed her master's orders to guard the formation, and she was the only one who closed the Saint's Hall, so she didn't know when these people entered the Purple Sky Territory and came to the Holy City, let alone their identities. origin.

The only thing that is certain is that if they had not taken action, the defensive formation of the Saint's Palace would not have been able to sustain until now under the attack of thousands of purple soul beasts.

"It seems like they can't hold on any longer," Lorne said.

Although the faces of those people could not be seen clearly through the thick mist-like purple dust, one could see that they were as crumbling as the Saint's Palace behind them, and it was obvious that they could not hold on for long.

Of course, Ye Wuse and others could see that those people were in a bad situation, so they made their hand seals a little faster. However, even though the control formation runes in front of him flickered and were shaken to the extreme, the Yundu Feizhou seemed to be stuck in an endless quagmire. Not only was its speed getting slower and slower, but it was also falling continuously.

Seeing this, Gu Fenghua decisively opened the door of the flying boat and flew out.

As soon as she left the Yundu Feizhou, she was in the thick purple dust of world destruction, and the holy energy was quickly corroded by it and disappeared.

Below, the purple soul beast smelled the human scent, and at the same time raised its head and roared, causing a sting in the human eardrum.

Then, Gu Fenghua felt his body sink.

In order to deal with flying monsters, human saint masters have developed air-forbidden formations as early as ancient times. And facing a powerful holy master who can ride the wind, the monsters are not helpless.

Countless monsters roared in unison, and the coercion gathered together created an effect similar to the forbidden air formation.

Gu Fenghua felt his body sink and fell to the ground involuntarily. It seems that the reason why the flying boat flying across the clouds kept falling just now was not only because of the destruction of Zichen, but also because of the pressure of this monster.

Even Gu Fenghua began to fall, and of course the others were no exception. One after another figures floated down like kites with broken strings.

Below, a densely packed group of beasts opened their mouths, waiting for delicious food to be delivered to their doorsteps. Purple light flashed in his eyes, revealing a violence and ferocity far beyond that of a normal monster.

Gu Fenghua and others barely managed to keep their bodies steady, looking down from above, and slashed away with one sword at the same time.

Although they did not deliberately use the concentrated sword, with the cultivation of Luo Enen and others of the eighth and ninth levels of the Imperial Saint, plus the strength of Gu Fenghua and Ye Yunji that exceeded the peak limit of the ninth level, even without joining forces, In fact, the power will not be any different.

The sword rays crisscrossed and crisscrossed, falling to the earth like a meteor shower.

In the dense herd of beasts, an open space with a radius of a hundred feet appeared. With just one sword strike, thousands of purple soul beasts turned into nothingness, and Gu Fenghua and others landed safely.

If it were a normal monster, out of its nature to seek good luck and avoid evil, most of them would turn around and run away immediately when seeing the tyrannical strength of Gu Fenghua and others. But how can these purple soul beasts whose bloodline has been eroded by the world-destroying purple dust and whose intelligence has been damaged still survive? Knowing how to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune, even if this instinct is not completely extinguished, it is still suppressed deep in the soul.

Watching thousands of their companions die tragically under the swords of Gu Fenghua and others, they seemed to be confused for a moment, and their roars also stopped. But soon, the purple eyes were filled with fierceness again, roaring angrily, and pounced on him from all directions.

The dense beast shadows were rolling and undulating like ocean waves, and there was no end in sight at a glance. The ground shook violently, and the dust and smoke seemed to extend to the horizon.

"Fenghua, hurry up, the blood of ten thousand beasts, and the soul pill of ten thousand beasts." Luo Enen held the hilt of the sword tightly and said to Gu Fenghua.

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