My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5695 5695 Suddenly I feel a little bit drifting

Not every purple soul beast has completely lost their intelligence. In Zitian Prison, most of the leaders of the major demon clans are still awake like Split Sky, but their temperaments have become more irritable and irritable, and they can no longer tolerate stimulation. It's easy to lose your mind.

"Wait a minute, this is my demon pet. Since ancient times, human saint masters and demon pets have been connected in spirit and life. Don't you even know this?" Gu Fenghua said.

"Stop it!" Split Sky shouted, stopped the subordinates who were about to make a move, and said, "She is right, the lives of human saint masters and demon pets are one, and summoning demon pets to fight does not count as breaking the promise, and you are not allowed to interfere. "

Although the dozen or so purple soul beasts behind him were still a little angry, they still calmed down after hearing the words, and the venomous Gu Eagle also fell back to the ground.

In order to compete for limited cultivation resources and living space, humans and monsters have been fighting since ancient times. Before that catastrophe came, there were countless wars, and they had already reached a tacit understanding or formed a certain kind of agreement. kind of rules.

Whether a human saint master summons a demon pet to assist in the battle, it is a matter of course from the perspective of the human beings themselves or the demon beast clan, and does not constitute a violation of the rules.

If the monster is willing, it can also tame a human pet to help in the battle - of course, even if the monster is willing, it still depends on whether the human being is willing. From ancient times to the present, no monster has ever domesticated a human being as a pet, and I believe this will never happen again in the future.

Human beings are called the spirits of all things, and this is not just a casual statement.

"Okay! He is upright and aboveboard. He is worthy of being a peerless demon king!" Gu Fenghua raised his thumb and said loudly, looking at Split Sky with eyes filled with respect.

"Humph." Split Sky snorted coldly, seeming to be a little disdainful of Gu Fenghua's praise, but his head held high and his eyes looking around were full of complacency.

As a strong man who has transcended limits, Gu Fenghua is also one of the most powerful men in the world. Even if he is an enemy but not a friend, it is still a great honor for him to be praised so highly by her and praised so much by her. Even because they are enemies, this honor is even more hard-won and even more precious.

Gazing across the prostrate beasts around him, Litian suddenly felt a little dizzy, as if his body suddenly became lighter, floating above the clouds, standing proudly, looking down at the thousands of people below.

Well, no matter who it is, if someone cuts off their head with a sword like this, they will feel the same.

It's over, the poor Sky-Splitting Demon King has completely fallen into the trap! Zhong Lingxiu looked at the drops of blood dripping down from the forehead of the Demon King, as if she saw a tragedy unfolding.

Jin Zhetian shook his head and touched the scar on his head that was cut by Gu Fenghua's sword many years ago. He suddenly felt that the title "Demon King" was full of irony.

"This is a fair duel between me and her. It is related to the dignity of my Split Sky. Regardless of victory or defeat, no matter life or death, no one is allowed to interfere. Otherwise, they will be killed without mercy!" Split Sky turned his head and glared at the subordinates and warned. With one sentence, he strode forward with his head held high, and with the pride and dignity of the peerless demon king, he rushed towards Gu Fenghua.

But he didn't notice at all that there was a sly smile in the girl's bright and moving eyes.

In fact, with the strength of Gu Fenghua and Ye Yunji, it is not difficult to join forces to deal with Split Sky, but in that case, other purple soul beasts will never be able to stand by and watch, and they will inevitably be surrounded again.

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