My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5696 5696 I just suffered a boring loss

Therefore, she could only rely on Obsidian. However, although humans once reached a tacit understanding with the monster clan and could summon monster pets to help in fair battles, that was already tens of thousands of years ago.

In fact, after that catastrophe, the powerful monster races either perished or left the Wuji Holy Heaven. The remaining monster races were driven to barbaric lands and were completely suppressed by humans. This never happened again. War, God knows whether they will still abide by the rules established tens of thousands of years ago. What's more, this is the Purple Sky Prison, and God knows whether Split Sky will treat him as a normal monster clan.

Therefore, when summoning Obsidian, Gu Fenghua was still a little uneasy.

Fortunately, despite being invaded by the World-Destroying Purple Dust, which polluted his bloodline, and his temperament became wild and violent, Split Sky still maintained the pride and self-esteem of a king.

It seems that not only I have faith and persistence, but the monsters also have their faith and persistence, which is good!

Looking at the King of Cuckoos rushing towards him with admiration, Gu Fenghua raised his sword again.

Having just suffered a heavy loss, Split Sky would not take it lightly anymore, and had already used the power of the demon spirit to protect his whole body.

The sword light cut down like a rainbow, and the shield formed by the condensed power of the demon spirit shattered. The two figures of a man and a beast were separated at the touch, and each flew backwards.

This time, both sides were evenly matched, and no one was able to take advantage. However, judging from Gu Fenghua's faster speed when he retreated, Split Sky's strength still had the upper hand.

Splitting the sky was determined, and before he could completely stabilize his body, he stamped the ground fiercely and rushed towards Gu Fenghua again.

At this moment, Obsidian's tall and majestic figure disappeared into the air. The next moment, a ghostly figure appeared next to it and punched it.

"How dare you show off your little skill!" Split Sky stopped suddenly, roared, and stabbed Obsidian's chest with his sharp claws as if he had been prepared for it.

It had just suffered a bad loss not long ago, how could it be defenseless against Obsidian. This pounce seemed to be aimed at Gu Fenghua, but in fact, he was waiting for Obsidian to fall into his trap.

This stab was as fast as lightning and as powerful as thunder. Even the iron-eating beast's natural strength, steel and copper bones, would never be able to withstand it! A contemptuous and cold light flashed in Split Sky's eyes.

"Roar!" Behind them, Gu Diao, Silver Pattern Fire Tiger and other purple soul beasts who had not lost their intelligence did not expect that the blow from Split Sky was not directed at Gu Fenghua, but at Obsidian. Seeing that this iron-eating beast, whose bloodline was even rarer than theirs, was about to die under the sharp claws of the Sky Split, they all let out excited beast roars in unison.

Unfortunately, only half of the roar came out, and the high-pitched roar stopped abruptly.

Just as Split Sky stabbed out with its claws, the iron-eating beast seemed to have been prepared for it, its body fell down as if it was drunk, and it accurately dodged this thunderous blow.

And this time, it didn't just fall sideways. When it fell, it actually buckled backwards and hooked the sharp claws of the sky.

Next, I saw the iron-eating beast holding Split Sky's paw with one hand, rolling its body to the ground, and kicked it in the abdomen.

"Whoosh!" The armor was as strong as refined steel, but its abdomen had no protection at all. It was directly kicked into the sky by the iron-eating beast's powerful and heavy kick.

His internal organs were instantly displaced, and he was so painful that water spewed out of his mouth. He could no longer muster the slightest strength, nor could he muster a trace of the power of the demon spirit.

Before it could catch its breath, it saw a slender and graceful figure flying over. The long sword wrapped in silk cloth made a clear sound and cut out a dazzling sword light.

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