My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5697 5697 The Pride and Dignity of the Demon King

The sound of the sword sound was so cheerful and sweet, but to Split Sky's ears, it certainly wasn't the least bit sweet at all.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, it was knocked out again by Gu Fenghua's sword.

The Gu Eagle fluttered its wings and stretched its neck, and the Silver-patterned Fire Tiger stood up, all with dull expressions on their faces.

They thought that the poor iron-eating beast would die tragically on the spot due to Lord Splitter's deliberate plan. They all seemed to have seen the bloody and miserable scene, but they did not expect that what they really saw would be Such an unexpected result.

No, this is not the result, the tragic fate of Split Sky has just begun.

First, he was kicked up into the sky by Obsidian, and then struck by Gu Fenghua's sword, splitting the sky and flying dozens of feet away, before falling like a shooting star. However, before it could fall to the ground, the tall figure of the iron-eating beast teleported to its side again.

Grasping Split Sky's tail with one hand, Obsidian staggered on his feet, tilted his body suddenly, and then swung it back.

Although his swaying movements looked like he was drunk, the twisting of his waist allowed him to maximize his natural power.

This is the true power of Drunken Master.

With a scream of "whoosh", the equally majestic figure of Split Sky flew back, and what greeted it was Gu Fenghua's mysterious long sword wrapped in silk cloth.

The sword roared happily, and Split Sky flew towards Obsidian again. Then, Obsidian grabbed it by the tail and swung it back...

In front of the ancient Saint's Temple, a majestic demonic beast was seen flying around like a rubber ball. The screams of "ouch" echoed between heaven and earth for a long time.

All around, countless purple soul beasts were lying on the ground, not even daring to take a breath. The Gu Diao, the Silver Pattern Fire Tiger and other purple soul beasts followed the splitting figure and twisted their heads in unison, left and right, and their eyes that were still somewhat clear turned out to be confused.

Who would have thought that not only Gu Fenghua hid her strength, but her cunning demon pet also hid her strength. Who would have thought that the arrogant Demon King would be bullied into such a state.

In mid-air, Split Sky was still screaming "Ouch". Under the continuous heavy injuries, his forehead, which had been split by Gu Fenghua's sword, was bleeding profusely. The blood dispersed in the wind, and the thick purple mist also showed a bit of bright red, revealing a bit of strange poignancy.

Finally, Gu Diao and Silver Pattern Fire Tiger reacted and wanted to step forward to help, but as soon as they took a step, they thought of something and stopped subconsciously.

This battle is related to the pride and dignity of the Demon King. Split Sky has warned them long ago that no one is allowed to interfere, regardless of victory or defeat, life or death. Otherwise, he will be killed without mercy!

Under the tens of thousands of years of power accumulated by Split Sky, they hesitated again and again, and finally took back their steps and retreated.

I knew it would be like this. Now I have fallen into a trap and there is no chance of regret. Noticing their actions, the corner of Zhong Lingxiu's mouth twitched. She looked at the flying ball in the air and the blood falling like raindrops, her eyes filled with pity.

Split Sky regretted it, indeed regretted it.

If we had known earlier that this iron-eating beast's Drunken Fist was so sophisticated, and that it had such a tacit understanding with Gu Fenghua, it would have lost its mind before fighting them fairly, and let the brothers swarm them and tear them into pieces and stomp them into flesh. Is mud bad?

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