As soon as the winner was decided, the iron-eating beast returned to his appearance as a panda cub, holding her calf with a pair of dark circles under his eyes and acting cute, looking so cute and naive.

"It's okay, mother." Obsidian said.

"Haven't you entered the mature stage? Why are you like this again?" Gu Fenghua asked.

"Because it looks so cute. Mom, I want to hug you. I want to hug you." The panda cub stretched out its round little arms and said in a cooing voice.

Everyone felt a chill. Even if this guy has become so cute and cute again, as long as he thinks about its ferocious and violent appearance before, who can associate it with the word cute?

"Okay, okay, go back quickly and hug her later." Gu Fenghua said, patting his forehead.

Although the little guy tried very hard to act cute, she could still see deep fatigue in its eyes. Wuji Shengtian was originally lacking in spiritual energy, and as Obsidian entered its mature stage, it could no longer meet its physical needs. The battle just now probably exhausted the demonic power that it had accumulated for a long time, and it was not known when it would be able to recover.

"No, no, I want a hug." The panda cub pouted and shook its head, trying its best to look cute.

"Okay, just give it a hug." Gu Fenghua reluctantly picked up the little guy, kissed it, and then threw it back to the demon pet space as quickly as possible.

I wasn't very good at acting like a spoiled child when I was a kid, but why have I become so naughty as I got older? Gu Fenghua shook his head and felt the hair on his body stand on end.

"Huh!" Luo Enen and others also let out a long sigh of relief.

Not to mention Gu Fenghua, they also had goosebumps all over their bodies when they saw the cute panda cub pretending to be cute.

After sending Obsidian back to the demon pet space, Gu Fenghua led everyone towards the Saint's Hall.

"Sir, do you think they can really help us remove the world-destroying purple dust and help us regain our intelligence?" Looking at the figures of Gu Fenghua and others walking away quickly, Gu Diao asked with expectation and suspicion.

The hierarchy among monsters and beasts is even stricter, so even though they appeared at the same time just now, they didn't dare to steal the limelight from Split Sky, so they didn't get too close. Standing behind Litian, they did not feel the vitality and spiritual meaning contained in the blood and soul of all beasts.

"Don't talk to me yet. Let me be quiet for a while. I feel dizzy. I feel dizzy." Litian stretched out a front paw and covered his head and said in pain. Before he finished speaking, his body tilted and he fell down. on the ground.

Looking at the blood spurting from the demon king's fingers, Gu Diao and other purple soul beasts looked at each other with twitching eyelids and deep sympathy in their eyes: Can you not feel dizzy with the blood soaring like this?

Although the battle between Gu Fenghua and Split Sky had long been decided, the two old men and middle-aged men in front of the Saint's Hall looked at the figures coming towards them, their eyes still full of shock.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have dared to believe that the young girl in front of you actually broke the limit of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint, surpassed the Eighteen-grade Envoy, and became a super-grade strong person who can rival the Holy Lord!

Who dares to believe that the arrogant Sky-Splitting Demon King of Purple Heaven Prison would be so vulnerable under the combined efforts of her and her demon pet.

By the way, her demon pet must be the legendary iron-eating beast. Even before the catastrophe that destroyed the world, the iron-eating beast was one of the rarest ancient beasts in the Wuji Holy Heaven.

Unexpectedly, she found an iron-eating beast and tamed it as a demon pet. Moreover, this iron-eating beast had grown to such an extent in the Wuji Holy Heaven where the spiritual energy of the world was getting thinner.

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