My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5700 5700 are all old friends

There was too much surprise and too much shock in their hearts. It was not until Gu Fenghua and others came to the barrier that they woke up from a dream.

The old man in black robes quickly made his hand seals, and the light patterns in the barrier rippled, a crack appeared, and Gu Fenghua and others stepped in.

"Fenghua!" The old man in gray robe took two steps forward and shouted in surprise.

"Mr. Feng!" Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen, Ye Wuse, Fatty Bai and others saluted respectfully, their eyes full of joy.

This gray-robed old man was actually Feng Zigu, the first master of the Xinghua Temple who had a great influence on them.

The middle-aged man also stepped forward and stared at Gu Fenghua for a long time, his hands trembling slightly, and he was so excited that he could not speak.

"Uncle!" Gu Fenghua turned slightly and saluted him respectfully.

This middle-aged man is his grandfather's only son and Zihan's father, Gu Yunxiang.

Although he had only met him once, Gu Fenghua had always regarded him as one of his closest relatives in the world because of his grandfather and Zihan.

Knowing that Gu Yunxiang also came to Wuji Shengtian to avenge his family's destruction, Gu Fenghua had been worried about his safety. Now that she saw that he was safe and sound, she finally felt relieved.

"Who is this senior?" Now is obviously not the time to reminisce about old times. After meeting the two of them, Gu Fenghua looked curiously at the old man in black robe next to him.

I had seen them making hand seals to maintain the barrier from afar before. The strength of this old man was far above that of Feng Lao, and he was definitely not an ordinary person.

"This is Mu Chengyun, the envoy of Lord Chengyun. You must have heard of his name." Feng Lao said with a smile.

"Junior has seen Senior Mu!" Gu Fenghua and others saluted in surprise.

It turns out that this person is Mu Chengyun, the envoy of Chengyun Lord. Not only have they heard of his name, but they also have a close relationship with him. They went to Chengyun Valley for training and found the glazed jade virtual flower. They had just made great progress in cultivation, and Gu Fenghua's Cangchen Holy Pattern was also obtained from Chengyun Valley.

Ye Wuse studied under Master Yijie Mu Qinghan, and was still Mu Chengyun's disciple in terms of seniority. At this time, he bowed and saluted with an even more respectful attitude.

"No need to be polite, get up quickly." But before they could bow down completely, Mu Qinghan stepped forward and helped Gu Fenghua.

That's it for everyone else. He didn't dare to accept Gu Fenghua's courtesy. This is a super-powerful man who is comparable to the Holy Lord. In real comparison, even he is no match.

"I didn't expect that our Wuji Holy Heaven would produce such talented young people. I didn't believe it when Zigu mentioned you before. But today, it seems that he still underestimated you." Helping Gu Fenghua, Mu Qinghan said again He said with relief and emotion.

"Senior, thank you for the award." Gu Fenghua said modestly.

"By the way Feng Hua, why did you come to Purple Sky Prison?" Feng Lao asked doubtfully.

"Fenghua refined the blood and soul pills of all beasts, which can remove the world-destroying purple dust from the purple soul beasts and help them regain their intelligence." Luo Enen rushed to answer.

When she spoke, she always looked proud, as if she had refined the blood and soul pills of all beasts herself.

"What!" Feng Lao and Mu Chengyun all exclaimed.

"It's true. This Ten Thousand Beast Blood is made from the natal essence and blood of thousands of ancient monsters, and the Ten Thousand Beast Soul Pill is..." Seeing their surprised faces, Gu Fenghua thought they didn't believe it, so he simply said Explain it.

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