My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5704 5704 Unrealistic Fantasy

With her formation strength at this time, it was impossible to repair it. Even if she could barely do it, it would probably take thousands of years, or even longer.

Split Sky was still guarding outside. The strong man who quietly tore apart the Purple Sky Prison didn't know what the conspiracy was. She obviously didn't have that much time.

"Unless Senior Ye Lishang is resurrected, probably no one in this world can repair the formation eye." Mu Chengyun and Zhang Yiyi said in unison.

After hearing what Gu Fenghua, Mu Chengyun, and Zhang Yiduo said, Luo Enen gave up her unrealistic fantasies, and her face was full of worry.

"By the way, where is senior Tantai Yunsu?" Gu Fenghua put the matter aside for the time being and asked about Tantai Yunsu's whereabouts.

The holy soul Taoist body was by her side, so of course she was asking about me.

"It's right in the eye of the formation." Zhang Yiyi raised his head and looked at the formation suspended in mid-air.

Following his line of sight, Gu Fenghua and others noticed that there was a faint light pattern like water waves emerging in the center of the formation, which turned out to be a barrier. Tantai Yunsu's true form was obviously sealed and imprisoned in this barrier.

"Who sealed and imprisoned Senior Tantai?" Gu Fenghua asked in surprise.

Tantai Yunsu is known as the most outstanding cultivation prodigy after the Holy Lord. Although he was not able to join the ranks of the Lord Envoy because he was too young, his cultivation cannot be underestimated. Even if the Lord Envoy takes action, it will be very difficult. Seal and imprison it.

More importantly, the Saint's Palace is also protected by formations. Who can break into the Saint's Palace and seal Tantai Yunsu in the formation's eye?

Feng Lao, Zhang Yiyi, and Mu Chengyun shook their heads at the same time. They were also puzzled by this question, but they couldn't find the answer.

Although he didn't get an answer from them, Gu Fenghua still had a guess in his heart: Apart from those three saints, who in the Wuji Holy Heaven has such ability? But which one of the three is it?

She knew nothing about the Xuanji Saint Monarch and the Lingji Saint Monarch, and had never even seen them. But those who are close to ink are dark and those who are close to vermillion are red. Judging from the character of Mo Qingqiu, Shangguan Haochen and others, the character of these two sage monarchs should not be any worse.

In Gu Fenghua's mind, the cold and ruthless face of Tianji Holy Lord naturally appeared.

However, suspicion is just suspicion after all. Before finding conclusive evidence, Gu Fenghua cannot conclude that it was the Holy Lord Tianji who did it. What's more important is that she really can't figure out the purpose of Tianji Shengjun in doing this, let alone jump to conclusions.

If you think about it carefully, Zhang Yitong, Mu Chengyun, and Feng Lao are not only outstanding in cultivation, but also mature in age. They may not be suspicious of the Tianji Holy Lord. The reason why they don't say it is probably due to the same reason. reason.

"Ignoring who made the move, let's first think about how to resolve the crisis in Purple Heaven Prison." Feng Lao said in a deep voice at this time.

He could indeed think of everything Gu Fenghua could think of, but he obviously didn't want to mention it more at the moment.

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

Indeed, it is meaningless to pursue the truth now. Not to mention that there are no clues and no real evidence. There is no way to start the investigation. Even if Xinshi is found, it will not help. The top priority is to solve the troubles in Zitian Prison.

But if you want to resolve the crisis in Purple Heaven Prison, you must use the Formation Eye. But at this time, the formation eye was seriously damaged, and the huge power of the formation filled it. It was like a powerful volcano that could erupt at any time. It was only managed by Zhang's powerful holy energy to suppress it, and it was able to persist until now. And it looks like this I can't hold on for long.

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