My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5705 5705 You still have such a treasure

Once the vitality and spiritual power contained in the blood of the Holy Soul is injected into it, the temporarily dormant volcano is likely to be awakened. By then, not only will the Blood Soul Pill be difficult to protect, but the Formation Eye will also be shattered, and the Purple Heaven Prison Barrier will certainly no longer exist, and another catastrophe will await Wuji Holy Heaven.

Although it is possible, it may not necessarily mean that there is no chance of success, but this opportunity is too small. It is related to the safety of Wuji Holy Heaven and the lives and deaths of countless people. Who dares to take the risk?

"How about we rescue Senior Tantai first and see if she can think of anything?" Fang Tianyou said.

When he said this, Young Master Fang had a deep expression on his face, as if he was deep in thought.

But after I finished speaking, I realized that no one responded. Not only did no one respond, but everyone looked at me blankly, as if they were seeing a rare creature from another world. My sister even covered her forehead with her hands in shame.

Fang Tianyou reacted immediately and said something stupid.

Tantai Yunsu was imprisoned in the center of the formation eye. If she could be rescued, how could everyone do nothing about the formation eye.

As a result, Young Master Fang also looked embarrassed, covered his face with his hands and lowered his head.

Fortunately, everyone was concerned about business, and no one made fun of him this time. Even Luo Enen remained silent for a rare moment.

"Perhaps, I can think of a way." Zhong Lingxiu said suddenly.

"Oh?" Everyone looked at Zhong Lingxiu in confusion and saw her taking out a magic talisman with a solemn expression.

"What is this?" Lorne asked curiously.

"This is the teleportation talisman that the master gave me. It is also called the Sky Breaking Talisman. It is a pair. If I encounter danger, just crush it and it will send me to the master. It is also possible that the master will be teleported to me. beside,

Although the master may not be able to repair this array of eyes, if he can be teleported here, maybe he can think of a way? "Zhong Lingxiu said.

"So you still have such a treasure with you. Why didn't you use it last time in the Abyss?" Luo Enen looked at Zhong Lingxiu in surprise.

When she was trapped in the abyss of the sky, even she thought that she would inevitably die. Zhong Lingxiu was carrying the Sky Breaking Talisman, but she didn't use it to escape to heaven?

"If I had left at that time, how would I have had the opportunity later, and how would I have the strength I have now?" Zhong Lingxiu said with a slight smile.

Although she spoke in an understatement and seemed a bit happy in her smile, Gu Fenghua and others knew that the matter was not as simple as she said.

Indeed, if Zhong Lingxiu had left at that time, there would not have been various opportunities later, and his cultivation would never have reached the peak of the ninth level of Emperor Saint so quickly.

But she didn’t have front and back eyes, so how could she know what kind of opportunities there would be in the future?

In the final analysis, she just refused to leave them and escape alone, and was willing to stay and live and die with them.

Looking at the faint smile on Zhong Lingxiu's face, Gu Fenghua and others felt a warm current in their hearts.

While speaking, Zhong Lingxiu had already crushed the void talisman. I saw a strange light flashing in front of me, and a circular space door appeared out of nowhere.

According to Zhong Lingxiu, at the next moment, either she would pass through the gate of space and be transported to the side of the Holy Lord Lingji, or the Lord Lingji would come to her side.

But after waiting for a long time, Zhong Lingxiu still stood motionless in front of him, and Holy Lord Lingji did not appear.

"What's going on?" Luo Enen asked doubtfully.

Zhong Lingxiu didn't answer, but there was a deep look of worry in her eyes.

"Is there something wrong with the Sky Breaking Talisman?" Fatty Bai guessed comfortingly.

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