My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5709 5709 The Holy Dragon Clan, the Lord of the Dragon Clan

The Holy Dragon Seal is one of the most powerful seals of the Dragon Clan, and it is also an undisclosed secret of the Dragon Clan.

The handsome young man in front of me is actually a dragon!

Not everyone wants to be as open-minded as Tantai Yunsu. In fact, as long as they know the origin of the world-destroying catastrophe, most people are hostile to the Supreme Heaven.

Seeing Ye Yunji's identity, Mu Chengyun and Zhang Yiyi easily guessed his origins, and their eyes were stern and wary like Mo Qingqiu's before.

But soon, they relaxed again, and the wariness in their eyes was replaced by deep helplessness.

They could see that the Ye Yunji in front of them was not only a member of the dragon clan, but also a member of the holy dragon clan, known as the leader of the dragon clan. At the same time, he was also a super-powerful man who had exceeded his own limits.

If he had ill intentions towards Wuji Shengtian, no matter what he did, they would be powerless to stop him.

Moreover, what Ye Yunji did at this time was obviously not malicious at all towards Wuji Holy Heaven.

Runes of golden light flashed, covering the entire formation eye, and powerful holy energy poured into it. The majestic and vast power of the formation gradually calmed down, as if falling into a deep sleep.

"Fenghua, it's time to take action." Ye Yunji said to Gu Fenghua, but his voice seemed to be trembling slightly.

Only then did everyone realize that although his expression was still calm and composed, his face had a pale golden color, and his eyes showed deep fatigue.

Obviously, even with his strength, suppressing the power of this formation is not easy.

Of course, this is normal. Zhang Yiyi risked his life in order to suppress the power of this formation. Although he was lucky enough not to die in the end, he was seriously injured.

Ye Yunji said it was a super-grade, but this super-grade was only for the prohibition of heaven and earth that Wuji Holy Heaven could not break. In fact, he was not promoted to the Holy Saint. Having completely suppressed the power of the formation safely, he actually reached his limit.

Seeing that Ye Yunji was not relaxed, and fearing that something would happen if he couldn't hold on, Gu Fenghua didn't dare to delay, so he immediately made a series of hand seals.

As the power of the formation was suppressed, the formation eye also temporarily stopped, and the formation principles that were originally like a mess became clear. Using his spiritual sense to explore it, Gu Fenghua easily found a damaged rune.

Although there was only one damage, this rune acted on one space formation, two restriction formations, and one defense formation at the same time. If it were an ordinary array mage, it would be difficult to deduce the correct runes.

However, this does not disappoint Gu Fenghua. As a Alchemy Master, her formation attainments are enough to be called a Grandmaster. If the Netherworld Temple can attain the Dao of Formation, then even the honorific title of Formation Master may not be enough. strange.

More importantly, the formation techniques taught to her by her brothers brought her back to her original nature, which seemed extremely simple, but was actually extremely sophisticated. From a very young age, she learned how to use the fewest runes possible to form different formations.

This method of applying one rune to several different formations at the same time is her special skill.

In just a moment, Gu Fenghua figured out the correct runes.

As the handprints were made, a misty and ethereal flame appeared in front of him. With a thought, a fine gold mithril and several high-grade Holy Spirit Stones were thrown into the flames.

"Taixu True Flame!" Mu Chengyun and Zhang Yiyi exclaimed again.

This is actually the legendary Taixu True Flame that comes from the void of the universe beyond the Nine Heavens and is not limited by heaven and earth.

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