If they were still a little worried about Gu Fenghua and Ye Yunji's "rash" attack before, now they have seen Ye Yunji's super-level strength, the dragon clan's most powerful holy dragon seal, and Gu Fenghua's Taixu Zhen. Fire, all doubts were completely dispelled.

Thinking of all the previous slanders, the two of them felt even more embarrassed.

The blue flame danced happily like an elf, and gradually turned into a dazzling white color. The fine gold, mithril and Holy Spirit Stone melted rapidly, and the spiritual power in it condensed into a rune and flew into the formation.

"So fast!" Everyone's eyes lit up, and they almost cheered in surprise.

I originally thought that even if Ye Yunji and Gu Fenghua joined forces, it would not be easy to repair the formation eye and it would take a lot of time. Unexpectedly, Gu Fenghua repaired a rune so quickly.

Even Luo Enen and Fang Tianyou, who were the least learned and least skilled in formations, could feel that there was a sense of unity of heaven and earth in the formations in front of them, as if there were thousands of rhymes in them.

"It's just a rune, it's still early." Gu Fenghua said with a smile.

Although she said it modestly, her expression was full of relaxation.

As she expected, the formation in front of her was extremely profound for ordinary formation mages, but if she found the key, she could repair several formations by repairing just one rune, or even dozens of formations at once. , in fact, it is twice the result with half the effort.

After repairing the first rune, Gu Fenghua felt reassured. After thinking for a moment, he took out the fine gold, mithril and holy spirit stone and continued to make hand seals.

Soon, another talisman appeared out of the sky in the formation. This time, Gu Fenghua did not pause, and continued to take out the fine gold, mithril and Holy Spirit Stone while making hand seals continuously.

The hand seals were struck faster and faster, the Taixu True Fire had completely turned into a pure white color, and runes appeared one after another...

Mu Qinghan and Zhang Yiyi were already dumbfounded: It turns out that Gu Fenghua not only has strength beyond the level, but also possesses such superb formation skills!

The two envoys looked at each other, too embarrassed to even raise their heads.

Finally, with Gu Fenghua's last hand seal, the formation eye was completely repaired.

In the mid-air, countless runes slowly flowed, like stars moving in the sky, emitting thousands of rays of light, and a beautiful figure appeared in the center of the formation.

"Yunsu!" Feng Lao and Zhang Yiyi shouted at the same time.

Obviously, this woman is Tantai Yunsu. At this time, Tantai Yunsu's face was haggard and his eyes were closed tightly, as if he had been frozen by a piece of ten-thousand-year-old ice.

Although they had already seen Tantai Yunsu's holy soul Taoist body, when they saw him in person, the two old men were still so excited that tears filled their eyes.

"Yun Ji, can you still hold on?" Gu Fenghua looked deeply at Tantai Yunsu and asked Ye Yunji.

"I'm fine, but you, do you want to take a rest?" Ye Yunji shook his head and asked worriedly.

Although Gu Fenghua's repair of the formation seemed to be easy and the speed was more than ten and a hundred times faster than everyone had expected, but don't forget that Zhang Yiyi and Mu Chengyun have been guarding the Saint's Palace for so many years, but they have not been able to repair the formation. He was able to rely on Zhang Daojun's strength to forcibly suppress the power of the formation, and even almost sacrificed his life for it.

Gu Fenghua repaired the formation eye, but it was not as easy as it looked on the surface.

Ye Yunji could see that at this time, not only was Gu Fenghua's holy energy severely damaged, but his spiritual consciousness was also severely damaged. If you look carefully, you can even find her fingers trembling slightly.

Staring at Gu Fenghua's beautiful but slightly pale face, he felt a twinge of pain in his heart.

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