"No need." Gu Fenghua said firmly.

While the formation eye is not fully operational, it is the best chance to break the seal and rescue Tantai Yunsu. Once the formation eye is fully operational, even with the help of Ye Yunji, she wants to break the seal and rescue Tantai Yunsu safely. It’s as difficult as climbing to heaven.

Of course Ye Yunji also knew this and did not dissuade him, but just nodded solemnly.

Because the formation eye is not fully operational yet, the huge power of the formation is still filling it, so when Gu Fenghua breaks the seal, he still needs to continue to suppress it.

Taking a deep breath, Gu Fenghua raised his sword.

"Fenghua, what are you going to do?" Seeing his actions, Feng Lao and others were shocked.

"This seal is too complicated. With our strength, it is difficult to break it with the help of formation techniques. We can only break it by force." Gu Fenghua said.

You must know that Tantai Yunsu is the most outstanding cultivation wizard after the three holy monarchs. Even if her strength is not as good as that of the Eighteen Lords, she is not far behind. How can ordinary seals trap her?

Although she was not sure who set the seal, Gu Fenghua knew very well that trying to break the seal with the help of formation techniques was tantamount to wishful thinking. Besides, she didn't have that much time. The best way was to forcefully break the seal. its breaking.

"Is there any danger?" Feng Lao asked worriedly.

Forcibly breaking the seal is no joke. He is not only worried about Tantai Yunsu's safety, but also worried about Gu Fenghua's safety.

"Don't worry, I will ensure the safety of senior Tantai." Gu Fenghua said confidently.

As she spoke, she showed off her cultivation again, and the nine golden holy beads between her eyebrows reappeared, faintly emitting colorful light.

Feng Lao and others felt relieved upon seeing this: No matter how strong this seal is, it cannot be stronger than the restriction of heaven and earth. Although Gu Fenghua did not break the restrictions of heaven and earth, she broke through her own limits. She showed her strength at will without worrying about being affected by the restrictions of heaven and earth. Naturally, this seal could not hurt her in the slightest.

With her strength, as long as she can forcefully break the seal, she can naturally protect Tantai Yunsu from harm.

And even if she couldn't do it, Ye Yunji could help suppress it. When two super-level experts join forces, there is actually no need to worry about Tantai Yunsu's safety at all.

Gu Fenghua glanced at Ye Yunji again and saw that he was circulating his holy energy again, and nine holy beads with bright golden light and faint colorful rays of light appeared between his eyebrows. Knowing that he was ready, he was ready to take action.

"Wait!" At this moment, Tantai Yunsu's holy soul body said.

Gu Fenghua looked at Tantai Yunsu in confusion, and the long sword that was about to be slashed stopped.

"First place the blood soul beads into the formation eye, dissolve the world-destroying purple dust, and then break the seal." Tantai Yunsu (Holy Soul Taoist Body) said.

"Senior Tantai..." Gu Fenghua hesitated.

At this time, the formation eye was not fully operational, and the huge power of the formation was still filling it, but it was only suppressed by Ye Yunji. Once the Blood Soul Orb is placed into the eye of the formation, the vitality and spiritual power in it is released, which is likely to detonate the power of the formation.

By then, Ye Yunji may not be able to suppress it alone, and she will still need her help. So who will break the seal.

In fact, if it gets to that point, she may not be needed to break the seal. If the power of the formation is detonated, the seal will most likely explode at the same time.

She and Ye Yunji had no time to distract him. Tantai Yunsu, who was trapped in the seal, would definitely be shattered into pieces and die without a burial place!

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