My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5748 5748 He must have a backup plan!

Perhaps he thought that even without him secretly sabotaging it, the Purple Heaven Prison Barrier could only last for ten thousand years. Thousands of years later, if the barrier breaks down, Wuji Holy Heaven will still face a disaster.

If you want to prevent disasters from happening, or preserve a glimmer of hope for humanity when disaster strikes, super strong men like him are indispensable.

After all, even if Gu Fenghua and Ye Yunji have reached the super-level realm, when it comes to strength, there is still a gap between them and strong men like Tianji Shengjun who have been practicing for tens of thousands of years. And Split Sky itself is the king of Purple Sky Prison. When the time comes, the two will at most not help each other and will never favor the side of humans.

Of course, besides him, Wuji Holy Heaven also has two holy kings. However, he has been planning for today's move for thousands of years, and he will not let the other two saints ruin the event. If his guess was correct, the Xuanji Holy Lord and the Lingji Holy Lord had probably fallen into his hands, and might even have been poisoned by him.

In this way, as the only remaining one among the three sage kings, he is even more indispensable.

It was a good idea that he rejected, but unfortunately, although the barrier of Purple Heaven Prison is still there, it no longer has the world-destroying Zichen, and all the purple soul beasts have returned to normal. Of course, Gu Fenghua will not let him live again. Chance.

"No, you are wrong, I am not talking about Purple Heaven Prison." Tianji Shengjun shook his head, a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he looked up to the sky.

Following his line of sight, everyone subconsciously looked up and saw that the dazzling white sun suddenly dimmed and was stained with a layer of blood.

The blood color quickly became thicker and thicker. Almost in the blink of an eye, the scorching sun seemed to be soaked in blood. The endless world and everything in the world were covered with a thick layer of blood.

The bloody sun is coming, this time, it is the real bloody sun!

"Not good!" Everyone's heart sank.

At this moment, the invisible restriction between heaven and earth suddenly weakened.

If you are an ordinary Saint Master, you may not be able to feel this change, but everyone present is all a strong man who has been famous for many years and belongs to the top existence of Wuji Holy Heaven. Of course, the changes in the restrictions of heaven and earth cannot be hidden from their powerful six senses.

At this moment, many people even sensed the opportunity for a breakthrough, and their cultivation began to break through the bottleneck.

When someone reaches their level of cultivation, wouldn't it be as difficult as climbing to the sky to break through? In order to find an opportunity, some of them waited for hundreds of years, and some even waited for thousands of years.

Logically speaking, they should have been ecstatic when they suddenly realized the opportunity for a breakthrough, but there was no joy on their faces, only deep anxiety and even fear.

With the restriction of heaven and earth weakening, they can easily break through the bottleneck. This is certainly a good thing for them, but it is by no means a bad thing for the Holy Lord Tianji. Looking at his weird smile, could he still have some back-up plan to break the restriction between heaven and earth?

Only then did Gu Fenghua realize that the bargaining chip of Tianji Sage Monarch was not Purple Heaven Prison at all, but Blood Sun Coming.

Others were just doubtful, but she was certain that Tianji Shengjun must have a back-up plan!

Without any time to think, Gu Fenghua flew up and struck at the Holy Lord Tianji with his sword. Next to them, Ye Yunji and Split Sky also took action at the same time.

The formation had broken down before, and everyone was seriously injured. Even the natal artifacts of Shangguan Haochen and others were destroyed. Only Gu Fenghua and the others had recovered somewhat, and were barely able to fight.

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