My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5749 5749 It seems there is no choice

Although the injuries have not healed and the recovery of holy energy is extremely limited, the three super-level experts have joined forces again and are still unstoppable.

Seeing the shadow of the sword and claws tearing apart the space, everyone below finally breathed a sigh of relief. But immediately, their hearts, which had just calmed down a little, became high again, and their eyes showed strong uneasiness.

Faced with the joint attack from Gu Fenghua, Ye Yunji, and Split Sky, Tianji Shengjun had no reaction at all, with that weird smile still on his face.

"Ka!" Two sword rays and a claw shadow struck down fiercely. I saw light patterns flowing on the body of the Holy Lord Tianji, but he was unscathed. On the contrary, the Sky-breaking Tower, which was already covered with cracks, completely cracked and collapsed.

Amid the flying dust, streaks of black light bloomed, condensing into a small tower in mid-air.

The tower is nine stories high, almost exactly the same as the Skybreaking Tower that just collapsed, but it is much smaller in size, only about three feet high, and it seems to be carved from black crystal.

The tower was hollow, and two old men with white beards and white heads were imprisoned inside, their faces full of haggard. Runes flashed outside their bodies, and their holy energy was flowing out of their bodies uncontrollably. With the movement of the formations in the tower, a barrier was formed, protecting the entire pagoda and the Heavenly Monarch.

"Sage Xuanji!"

"Sage Lord Lingji!" Everyone below exclaimed in unison.

"Master!" Zhong Lingxiu also shouted in surprise and grief.

As expected, the guess was correct. Xuanji Sage and Lingji Sage really fell into the hands of Tianji Sage. Looking at the two holy kings in the tower, Gu Fenghua's expression became more solemn than ever before.

It turned out that this was the back-up plan of the Holy Lord Tianji. He actually prepared a defensive formation in the Sky-breaking Tower.

Although he can no longer seize everyone's cultivation spiritual roots to increase his strength, this formation can absorb the holy energy of Xuanji Saint Lord and Lingji Saint Lord to build a defense. Even when they are at their peak, it is difficult for them to break it. , not to mention that the meridians are now damaged and the holy energy is almost exhausted.

"I didn't expect Mr. Tianji to be so cunning. I should have taken action earlier." Litian gasped and said regretfully.

"Even if we take action earlier, the result will be the same. What's more, can you do it earlier?" Gu Fenghua shook his head and said.

"That's true." Split Sky looked frustrated.

Indeed, this defensive formation has not just been set up. Even if they take action earlier, the result will be the same. Moreover, they have only now recovered a little bit of the holy energy and demonic power. If they want to take action earlier, they cannot do it.

"Then what to do now?" Split Sky asked.

Gu Fenghua did not answer, but held the hilt of the sword tightly, with a look of absolute determination in his eyes, as if he had made up his mind.

"Have you decided?" Ye Yunji asked softly.

"Well, I didn't expect that I couldn't stop him. It seems I have no choice." Gu Fenghua said.

Looking down, she quickly passed by Luo Enen, Bai Fatty, Ye Wuse, Feng Lao, Tantai Yunsu, Mo Qingqiu, Shangguan Haochen and others, and there was a hint of worry in her eyes.

"Don't worry too much, things may not be that bad." Ye Yunji said comfortingly.

"Maybe." Gu Fenghua smiled bitterly, but his eyes were still worried.

"Believe me, no matter what happens, I will protect them." Ye Yunji paused and said slowly, word by word.

His figure is so tall and straight, and his expression is so solemn. Every word spoken seemed to weigh more than a thousand pounds.

"Yes." Gu Fenghua nodded heavily, all the worries in his eyes were swept away, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

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