As the light beams on the pagoda continued to blast out, a hole actually appeared in the restriction between heaven and earth.

The earth trembled, and Yuxia Peak, which had stood for hundreds of millions of years, shook violently, like an ancient giant falling down, gravel falling like raindrops, and dust flying up and covering the sky.

The ground opened up, and cracks spread like spider webs. The ground collapsed wherever it passed, and peaks collapsed one after another. Even Tianji Peak was not spared.

The Tianji Palace, which was once regarded as a holy place by countless saint masters and even regarded as a sacred site by ordinary people, was instantly reduced to ashes, leaving not even the ruins behind.

Countless beasts and monsters in the mountains roared in terror and fled into the distance in panic. However, the cracks spread faster than their escape speed. In just a moment, thousands of beasts were swallowed up by the cracks and fell into the bottomless abyss.

"Not good!" Although Shangguan Haochen and others were seriously injured, their cultivation was not lost. They jumped up and escaped the crack with the help of a little bit of holy energy they had just recovered. However, their expressions changed drastically when they saw the scene in front of them.

Once the Heavenly Saint Monarch is allowed to completely break the restriction between heaven and earth, the entire Infinite Holy Heaven will collapse and shatter like the earth in front of him, and all human beings and all living creatures will perish accordingly.

A famous monarch suppressed his injury and pulled out his long sword, using all his strength to slash at the Holy Lord Tianji.

However, even Gu Fenghua, Ye Yunji, and Split Sky, the three super-level experts, could not break through the defensive barrier of Tianji Saint Lord, let alone them?

The sword light fell, ripples rippled, and a dozen envoys who had exhausted their holy energy fell powerlessly, but the defensive barrier was not damaged at all.

"No one can stop me, no one! Hahahaha..." Tianji Shengjun glanced at them with a distorted face, as if looking at a group of weak ants, and let out a burst of crazy laughter.

Could it be that Wuji Shengtian was really destroyed like this, and hundreds of millions of people and countless living beings were just finished like this! Looking at the twisted face of the Holy Lord Tianji, everyone's eyes were filled with despair.

"No, you are wrong. There is still someone who can stop you." At this moment, Gu Fenghua stood up and said coldly to the Holy Lord Tianji.

"Who, who else can stop me, is it you?" Tianji Shengjun looked at Gu Fenghua, with a look of contempt on his ferocious, twisted and crazy face.

This defensive formation was arranged by him with Holy Lord Xuanji and Holy Lord Lingji as the core. Even if he did it himself, he would not be able to forcefully break it, let alone others?

If their holy energy was not damaged at all, they might still have a chance if they join forces, but now, no matter Gu Fenghua, Ye Yunji, or Split Sky were seriously injured. The previous sword had almost exhausted all the holy energy in the body, and now How is it possible to break through this defensive formation?

"Yes, it's me!" Gu Fenghua said proudly.

Yes, she was seriously injured and her holy energy was on the verge of exhaustion, but she still had the power of blood!

The power of blood hidden deep in the sea of ​​​​qi flowed throughout her body along her meridians. Her heart palpitated violently, and the extreme uneasiness surged into her heart again. It is the uneasiness that comes from the depths of the soul, as if standing on the edge of the abyss of death with one toe, but the body is already placed on the abyss. As long as a breeze blows, you will fall into the abyss of death and never recover.

But Gu Fenghua didn't have the slightest fear, let alone the slightest uneasiness. She quickly made hand seals in her mind. She kept opening the seal hidden deep in the bloodline, releasing the power of the bloodline and injecting it into the long sword.

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