My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5752 5752 The First Strange Treasure

Although the injury has not healed, and although the holy energy is almost exhausted, now she is not only a strong person who has surpassed the level, but has also mastered the most profound alchemy weapon technique in the Nether Temple, and has become a new generation of alchemy weapon master. My understanding of this set of mudras is far better than before.

Even if several brothers who taught hand seals appeared in front of her at this time, they would never be able to compare with her.

As the handprints in her heart changed rapidly, Taixu True Flame appeared out of thin air and enveloped her.

Deep in the bloodline, the seal is broken ten times or a hundred times faster than before.

The divine sword made a high-pitched and passionate buzz, bursting out with thousands of divine lights. The silk cloth wrapped around the scabbard broke apart and turned into a colorful butterfly fluttering in the wind.

Suddenly, the space bracelet emits mysterious rays of light, pouring into her body like a pure spring.

This is... Gu Fenghua was slightly startled and put his spiritual thoughts into the space bracelet. Then, she saw a look of ecstasy on her face.

In the bracelet, the four extraordinary treasures from the sky, the Jade Liquid Stone, the Fairy Grass, the Zixiao Fire, and the Qianqiu Snow, broke apart at the same time and turned into extremely pure spiritual power, pouring into her body and blending into her blood. The injuries in his body healed at an astonishing speed, and the nearly exhausted holy energy also recovered quickly.

In his mind, there was a buzz like a fairy sound. The last seal in the depths of the bloodline was completely broken, and the power of the bloodline was completely freed from the shackles, pouring into the sword like a huge wave.

"Choke..." Gu Fenghua slowly pulled out the sword.

In an instant, the sword light illuminated the sky and the earth, and even the thick blood color that filled the fields under the bloody sun faded instantly.

The sword is only four feet long and two inches wide, but it gives people the feeling that it weighs more than a thousand pounds.

Looking at the ancient and graceful sword body, everyone could not help but feel a sense of surrender.

The power of blood continued to be injected into the long sword, and several small ancient seal characters appeared on the sword body. Unlike the previous Yunzheng Xiawei, this time it was clearly visible.

"Qingyun, this is Qingyun!" Luo Enen exclaimed in the chaotic crowd below.

Others may not know what the word Qingyun means, but she knows it very well.

"The fairy jade liquid is like snow for thousands of years, and the purple sky is holding the clouds in the holy sky." Qingyun, isn't it the fifth rare treasure among the five extraordinary treasures in the sky, besides the fairy grass, jade liquid stone, Qianqiu snow, and Zixiao divine fire. On the other hand, it can also be said to be the number one rare treasure.

It turns out that Qingyun is a sword that has always been by Gu Fenghua's side.

Gu Fenghua also did not expect that this sword that had been with me since childhood would be the last of the five extraordinary treasures! Holding the hilt of the sword excitedly, an unprecedented confidence filled his heart.

"One sword, cut off the wilderness!" With strong confidence, Gu Fenghua struck again with his strongest sword.

"You, what are you going to do?" Tianji Shengjun shouted in shock.

Gu Fenghua's sword was not directed towards him, but towards the sky, towards the bloody sun.

His ferocious face no longer had the previous contempt, only deep fear.

What answered him was a loud noise from the sky.

Gu Fenghua's sword not only contains her powerful holy energy that transcends grades, but also contains the mysterious power from the depths of her bloodline, and it also contains the power of the Qingyun Sword itself as an artifact.

The sword light slashed towards the void, towards the scorching sun, splitting the thick blood from it. The dazzling sunlight shines on the earth again, and the blood that fills the sky and earth melts like ice and snow.

"Ah..." Tianji Shengjun let out a scream, and his figure suddenly dwarfed and became even more stooped, as if he was being pressed down by an invisible mountain.

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