The bloody sun was cut through by Gu Fenghua's sword, and the restriction of heaven and earth, which had been weakened exponentially, naturally returned to normal. It would be fine if the Holy Lord Tianji did not try to forcibly break the restrictions of heaven and earth, but now that he has taken action, he will naturally be ruthlessly counterattacked by the restrictions of heaven and earth.

How could he withstand such a forbidden power when he was seriously injured and had his holy soul explode to burn his essence and blood?

"Ka, ka, ka..." His body continued to sink, and his bones were all broken by the pressure of that day.

Streams of black blood gushed out of his mouth, and drops of blood flowed from his eyes that once looked down upon the world. Cold sweat mixed with blood rolled down his forehead. His whole body was shaking violently, as if he wanted to scream in pain, but he couldn't even scream. He could only growl like a beast from his throat.

"Bang!" Finally, Tianji Shengjun fell heavily to the ground.

Under the invisible mighty power of heaven, the mangled body was crushed into a pile of mud. Then, the mud turned into powder again.

There was deathly silence all around, and time stood still. I don’t know how long it took, the restrictions on heaven and earth disappeared, and only a piece of powder dispersed with the wind, disappearing into the endless heaven and earth.

In mid-air, Gu Fenghua stood with a sword. The mountain wind blew by, and the clothes were fluttering. The graceful figure was so extraordinary, as if it came from nine heavens away, but it was so holy and majestic, towering over external objects.

I don’t know who started, but a top man named Wuji Shengtian knelt down on one knee, put one hand on his chest, and showed the highest respect to Gu Fenghua.

Based on their status, this should have been a courtesy reserved for those who were meeting the Holy Lord, but now, they did not feel the slightest embarrassment in facing this girl, nor did they feel at all unwilling to do so.

If it weren't for Gu Fenghua, Wuji Shengtian would have been destroyed today, and their lives would have been in danger. Not only them, but every living being on this continent is doomed!

Looking up at Gu Fenghua's young figure, their tearful eyes were full of respect and gratitude.

I don’t know how long it took, but loud cheers rang out from the crowd, and some of them shouted for the Holy King.

At this moment, people's respect for Gu Fenghua actually far exceeded that of the Holy Lord Tianji. It was she who finally saved this continent, and she was the only one who deserved the title of Saint Lord, even surpassing the other two Saint Lords and becoming the true patron saint of Wuji Holy Heaven.

"She did it, did you see it? She really did it. I knew it, I knew she would be able to do it." Looking up at Gu Fenghua's holy yet majestic figure, Feng Laoyu said, no matter how bad it is, said.

Although he had high hopes for Gu Fenghua a long time ago, he watched her step by step from a mere Dharma Sage to a Mysterious Sage, a Heavenly Sage, an Emperor Sage, and finally became the top powerhouse on this continent, and He was still so excited that he could smash the conspiracy of the Holy Lord Tianji and save this continent, and his whole body was shaking with excitement, and two lines of hot tears rolled out of his eyes.

"Yes, she really did it. Now the world is peaceful, there is no danger of annihilation, and I have no regrets in my life!" Shangguan Haochen said with emotion, with tears in his eyes.

Hearing the thundering cheers below, looking at the figures half-kneeling on the ground stroking their chests and saluting, looking at the pairs of eyes filled with tears filled with excitement, Gu Fenghua did not relax, and solemnly Underneath his expression, there was some doubt hidden.

The moment she opened the seal in her body and released the power of her blood vessels, she felt the heart-stopping uneasiness again. When the Qingyun Sword was unsheathed, the uneasiness reached its extreme.

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