"Let's go." Gu Fenghua made a quick decision and said to everyone.

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly felt a chill on her body, as if goose feathers were falling overwhelmingly, and the endless cold air instantly solidified her.

Looking up suddenly, he saw a snow-cold sword streaking through the void, cutting through the sky, and falling like a shooting star.

The land with a radius of thousands of miles was covered by the sword. Under the cold murderous intent, the mountain wind stopped howling, and the trees no longer swayed with the wind. Everything in this thousand-mile radius was frozen by the cold, and time and space stopped.

What a terrifying sword power! Everyone inside was stunned.

Not to mention that they haven't had time to move yet, even if they have already moved, with their seriously injured bodies that have not recovered their holy energy at this time, they are still unable to move in the face of such sword power, and they can only wait for the kill.

It’s a blessing, not a curse, and you can’t avoid it. What’s supposed to come will come after all! Gu Fenghua tightened his grip on the sword hilt again.

But the sword that cut through the Blood Sun just now used up almost all the power of her blood. Although the holy energy in her body had recovered a little, she obviously couldn't pull out the Qingyun Sword again. Faced with this terrifying sword power, she Mostly there is nothing you can do.

"Don't move, let me handle it, trust me!" Just when Gu Fenghua was about to attack with all his might, Ye Yunji held down her sword-holding hand, looked at her deeply, and then flew up .

If this sword light is allowed to fall to the earth like a meteor, with his transcendent level of cultivation, it will be difficult to protect everyone, and even unable to protect Luo Enen and others. The best way is to block it from the sky. .

Of course, in that case, he would have to face greater pressure, but for the safety of Luo En, Fatty Bai and others, he couldn't care so much. This is not only because of the promise to Gu Fenghua, but because they are also his friends!

Gu Fenghua also knew that his situation at this time was not much better than others. Not only would he not be able to resist the sword light, but it would also drag Ye Yunji down, so he did not take action and just looked towards Split Sky.

Such a powerful sword, even if the Holy Lord Tianji is not dead, and the strength of the Holy Lord Xuanji and the Holy Lord Lingji are not damaged, it is absolutely impossible to use such a sword. Who is the one who takes action? Is it the Holy One? But where did this Holy Saint come from, and why did he take action at this time... Oh my, I feel dizzy, I feel dizzy! Split Sky's ferocious face was full of horror. Looking up at the sword light, all kinds of doubts arose in his brain that was already suffering from insufficient blood supply, and he felt dizzy again.

Suddenly realizing that someone was watching him, Litian turned his head and looked at Gu Fenghua doubtfully.

"Why don't you do it yet? Didn't you promise me just now?" Gu Fenghua said angrily as he looked at its stupid look.

Split Sky finally understood what was going on with her previous instructions, which were like explaining the aftermath. It turned out that Gu Fenghua had already anticipated the appearance of the sword light.

"Oh, oh." Split Sky nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, but did not move.

Are you kidding me? The power of this sword has definitely reached the realm of the Holy Saint, even stronger than the Holy Saint. Even the Clay Bodhisattva cannot protect himself when he crosses the river. If he uses it to protect others, it is more like sending him to death.

"The peerless demon king, do you want to break your promise and get fat?" Gu Fenghua said contemptuously after seeing what this guy was hesitating about and what he was afraid of.

Got tricked. Split Sky felt like he was being tricked.

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