My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5757 5757 For the sake of fame in this life

He had promised Gu Fenghua that if something unexpected happened, he would help her protect her friends and protect other strong humans. But the problem was that at that time, he was so dizzy that he thought Gu Fenghua was confessing his last words, so he didn't think much about it. Did you expect such an accident to happen?

Gu Fenghua's words were clearly a trap for him.

"Hmph, it's fine if we all die here today. If we don't die, how can you, the majestic demon king, show your face to others?" Gu Fenghua snorted coldly and continued.

It still sees people. If it really spreads, it won't even have the face to see a demon. A cold stream of water flowed from the forehead of Split Sky.

He didn't know whether others would die or not, but with Gu Fenghua's strength, she might escape death even if everyone died. When the time comes to publicize this matter, he will definitely lose his reputation and be despised by all humans and monsters.

It didn't know that the sword light was actually directed at Gu Fenghua. Even if someone does escape death in the end, it will definitely not be Gu Fenghua.

But this is not important. What is important is that under the threat of Gu Fenghua, Split Sky finally made up his mind.

That's all, that's all, for the dignity and honor of the peerless demon king, and for the fame of this life, I will jump even if it is a pit of fire!

"Roar..." The poor Demon King roared loudly and flew away after Ye Yunji.

The two figures quickly soared up, passing through the clouds facing the sword light, as if flying into the endless void.

Before long, their figures turned into two small dots, and the closer the sword light was, the more magnificent it appeared. Against the backdrop of the sword light, those two small dots looked even more insignificant.

The chill between heaven and earth is getting thicker and thicker, invisible murderous intentions are falling from the sky, everyone's holy energy is suppressed, and it takes all the strength of the whole body to even look up.

"Dragon Sword, Wuzun!" Finally, Ye Yunji's clear drink sounded.

The golden sword light slashed into the void, facing the majestic sword light with murderous intent unstoppably.

A thin streak of blood spread along the spine of the sword. The ancient long sword actually let out a painful dragon roar.

That is the power of the dragon clan's bloodline, and it is also Ye Yunji's strongest power!

The sky-splitting roar roared, and all the demonic power in his body gathered together and spurted out from his mouth.

The power of the demon spirit condensed as if it had substance, emitting a dazzling light, dragging a long tail of light in the sky, like a comet flying by.

"Boom!" The sword light from Jiutian shattered suddenly, blooming with a dazzling divine light, like another round of scorching sun hanging in the sky.

Chaotic energy flew in all directions, and countless black space cracks appeared in the blue sky.

The two little dots suddenly paused, like dead leaves falling in the wind in winter. At the same time, there were patches of bright red blood mist floating away.

Although they tried hard to stabilize their bodies, Ye Yunji and Splitting Sky continued to fall faster and faster despite being seriously injured.

Fortunately, as the sword light broke through, the pressure on Gu Fenghua suddenly lightened and he flew towards them.

"Yun Ji!" She stretched out her right hand and hugged Ye Yunji tightly.

His left hand grabbed Litian like lightning and brought them down to the ground smoothly.

Only then did she see that Ye Yunji's newly recovered arm was dripping with blood again, and his body seemed to have been cut open by sharp swords, and even white bones could be seen.

Even though Ye Yunji has already transformed into a human form, he is actually the most powerful holy dragon among the dragon clan. Even he was injured like this, let alone Split the Sky.

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