My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5774 5774 You should have told me earlier

Hearing this, Gu Fenghua's depressed mood suddenly lightened up. Ye Lishang was right. If something unexpected happened, staying by himself would harm Ye Lishang. The sooner he left, the safer he would be.

"Then what should I do when I get to the Supreme Heaven?" Gu Fenghua asked, putting aside his worries.

The Supreme Heaven is not the Infinite Holy Heaven. The enemy she will face is the Emperor Haokong. His power is definitely not comparable to that of the grandson Luocang in the past. Moreover, there were three great sage kings and eighteen kings and envoys in Wuji Holy Heaven at that time. Although the eldest grandson Luocang hated her to the core, he had all kinds of worries and obstacles in his actions.

As for the Supreme Heaven, there is only Emperor Haokong. Even if the powerful men from all walks of life surrender to him because of helplessness, they dare not openly confront him. If they rush into the Supreme Heaven in a daze, they may not even know how they died.

"I have already made arrangements for this. Someone will pick you up when you get to Supreme Heaven and tell you what to do." Ye Lishang said.

As he spoke, he handed an ancient token to Gu Fenghua. Obviously, this is a token of identity.

"Do you still have manpower in the Supreme Heaven?" Gu Fenghua took the token and asked in surprise.

"As one of the Seven Star Lords of the Big Dipper, of course I also have my own subordinates and attendants." Ye Lishang said proudly.

"You have been away for so many years, will they still be as loyal as before?" Luo Enen asked worriedly.

"Even in the Supreme Heaven, there are very few disloyal and unjust people like Emperor Haokong. Besides, in that battle, Emperor Haokong's confidants, the generals and the guards, were killed and injured as well. My task at the time was to clean up On the battlefield, I took the opportunity to take the Xuyunfang to the Wuji Holy Heaven. Others may not know that I have betrayed Emperor Haokong, and they have no reason to betray me.

More importantly, I, Ye Lishang, have been upright and upright in my life, and I treat them like family and friends, and they have no reason to betray me. In short, there is no doubt that they are loyal to me. "Ye Lishang said decisively, full of confidence in the loyalty of his subordinates.

"That being said, knowing a person's face but not their heart, painting a tiger's skin is difficult to paint its bones. I think it's better to be on guard." Despite this, Luo Enen still said cautiously.

"How about you think of a way to teach Fenghua a few forbidden arts and so on. If they have different intentions, you have to find a way to deal with them." Before Ye Lishang could speak, Luo Enen put his chin in his hand again, Said thoughtfully.

If it was her own business, she probably wouldn't even bother to think about it and would just let Ye Lishang arrange everything. But when it comes to Fenghua's safety, she is more cautious than anyone else.

Ye Lishang's face turned a little dark. Method? We are still hundreds of millions of miles away from the supreme heaven. What solution can I think of?

Forbidden magic? If it can be called a forbidden technique in the supreme heaven, it must be so exquisite and mysterious that its power is boundless. Don't say I don't know how. Even if I do, I won't be able to teach you for a while.

"They have already made a blood oath of destiny to be loyal to me. They cannot betray, and they dare not betray, otherwise they will only die and they will never be reincarnated. Do you understand?" Ye Lishang almost shouted.

"So that's the case, you should have told me earlier." Luo Enen curled her lips, with a look of contempt clearly in her eyes.

They say that there are very few people who are unfaithful and unjust in the Supreme Being, and that there is no need to doubt the loyalty of their subordinates. After a long time of quarrel, they still put gold on their faces. It is true to use destiny and blood to hold other people's destiny.

Ye Lishang's old face was so dark that he could almost squeeze out ink: Why don't I just sigh a few words casually? You can't talk endlessly like you. You have to beat my old face until it crackles. Well, how did this damn girl get such bad habits!

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