My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5775 5775 It’s really you!

"Do you have anything else to ask? If you do, ask quickly, otherwise we won't have time." Ye Lishang resisted the urge to slap Luo Enen to death, turned his head and looked at others.

Luo Enen had already asked all the questions that needed to be asked, and she had done all the slaps in the face that needed to be made. Of course, the others did not want to embarrass Ye Lishang anymore, and shook their heads at the same time.

"That's good." Ye Lishang let out a sullen breath and finally made a hand seal.

In addition to repairing the formation, this was the first hand seal he made in Xuyunfang. The handprints were not exquisite, but as a few runes flashed quickly, layers of strange lights appeared on the barrier, which obviously raised the defense to the extreme.

At the same time, Xuyunfang entered the space exit, and in the next moment, it would completely pass through the void barrier.

The first thing that catches the eye is the vaster starry sky. Stars emit bright light, and the red stars are like fairies dancing in neon clothes, or like phoenixes dancing in the sky, showing various shapes, mysterious and beautiful.

However, Gu Fenghua and others had no time to appreciate the beautiful scenery of the starry sky. As soon as they left the void barrier, everyone clenched their sword hilts in full attention.

"Don't be too nervous. As I said, Yuwen Zhenchen is still injured and can't sense Fenghua's position. Even if he is on full alert, he can't stop us." Ye Lishang looked forward and said confidently.

"That's what I say, but a blind cat can still encounter a dead mouse. What if he takes action in a hurry and hits us by mistake?" Luo Enen said.

...What a blind cat, what a dead rat, do you think you can say that about yourself? As a result, Ye Lishang's face, which had just returned to normal, darkened again.

However, although he was very dissatisfied with Luo Enen's self-deprecating statement, he was cautious and held the hilt of the sword tightly.

Finally, Xuyunfang passed through the barrier exit and flew into the wider and brighter starry sky.

Surprisingly, they were not blocked or killed by Yu Wen Zhenchen, and they did not even see a single figure at all.

How is this going? The surprise was short-lived, and soon Gu Fenghua realized something was wrong.

Yuwen Zhenchen has been standing outside the void barrier for ten thousand years, waiting for his own appearance. He can't just leave after missing two swords, right? Since it is impossible to leave, then where is he?

Completely freed from the constraints of the void barrier, Xuyunfang returned to the sea like a fish, flying towards the vast starry sky at a faster speed.

"Pojun, Ye Lishang, it's you indeed!" At this moment, a hoarse and angry shout suddenly sounded in his ears, and a thin figure appeared out of nowhere, blocking the front.

This man is tall and tall, wearing a black armor, but the armor has long been broken, revealing the cyan inner robe, and the gold embroidered edges on the corners of the robe are vaguely visible.

His eye sockets were sunken, revealing the morbid condition caused by long-term injuries, but his face that looked like a knife and an ax still revealed a strong sense of solemnity, revealing a bit of the pride of a strong man.

Yuwen Zhenchen! Although it was the first time he saw him, Gu Fenghua was certain: this person was Tianshu, the number one among the Seven Star Lords of the Big Dipper - Greedy Wolf Star Lord.

No wonder I didn't see him just now. It turned out that he had already left the void barrier exit and was guarding the only way to the supreme heaven.

Obviously, Ye Lishang's previous plan had been anticipated by Yuwen Zhenchen, and he had prepared countermeasures. Such a far-sighted and exhaustive plan is worthy of the name of greedy wolf.

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