My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5783 5783 White Tiger Holy Beast!

A shadow of a beast palm passed through the distant void and stood between Yuwen Zhenchen and Xuyunfang.

Amidst the loud noise, all the power of the sky-breaking sword fell on the phantom of the beast's palm, arousing a strange light and splendor, and the entire void seemed to be shaken. When the strange light and brilliant colors surged into the distance like waves and gradually subsided, the phantom of the beast's palm was actually unscathed. On the contrary, Yuwen Zhenchen was shaken to the point of being crooked, rolling back in the void.

The next moment, he suddenly stood up and flew away in the direction away from Xuyunfang.

Escaped, Lord Tanlangxing, the majestic leader of the Seven Heavenly Guards of the Big Dipper, actually escaped like this!

From the looks of it, he was obviously prepared with both hands when he struck out with this sword. It would be best if he could defeat Ye Lishang with one sword, split the barrier of the artifact, and kill Gu Fenghua. If not, then run away immediately.

"Not good!" Luo Enen and others exclaimed.

Although even if Yu Wen Zhenchen is allowed to escape like this, it is impossible to return to Supreme Heaven before Gu Fenghua. With his seriously injured body, it is unclear whether he can even go back. However, as long as he survives for a day, he will always be a great threat to Gu Fenghua.

Beating up a drowned dog while your illness kills you, hitting a snake but not killing it will lead to its death, cutting a weed without eradicating the root and the spring breeze will bring it back... The ancient famous sayings echo in the ears, and everyone will chase and kill him out of habit.

But as soon as he started to move, he remembered that with his current strength, catching up would lead to death. He had to stop and looked at Ye Lishang anxiously.

"Don't worry, he can't escape." Ye Lishang said calmly.

What does it mean to be unable to escape, to escape dozens of miles away in the blink of an eye without seeing others? Looking at Yuwen Zhenchen's back that turned into a black dot and was about to disappear into the endless void, Luo Enen and others were so anxious that they wanted to stamp their feet.

"You just thought of running away now, don't you think it's a little late?" However, just when they were anxious, the cold and stern voice sounded again, with a bit more sarcasm in it.

Following the words, a mysterious beast-shaped shadow suddenly appeared in the void. This shadow is so huge that it even gives people the illusion that the entire void will be filled by it.

"White tiger holy beast!" A burst of exclamations sounded from Xuyunfang.

The huge beast figure in front of him was majestic in shape, exuding white holy light all over his body, but his black lines showed his majesty. He was not the legendary white tiger holy beast.

The white tiger sacred beast is also called the white tiger spiritual beast, divine general, or holy general. Together with Qinglong, Suzaku, and Xuanwu, it is called the Four Spirits of Heaven, or the Four Saints of Heaven!

Compared with dragons, phoenixes, unicorns and other mythical beasts, these four saints in the sky are more powerful and their status is more noble and transcendent. According to legend, these four sacred beasts guard the four directions of the sky, shine with the sky and the earth, and live with the sun and the moon!

It turns out that Ye Lishang's delaying time was not to restore his holy energy and fight with all his strength, but to wait for the arrival of the white tiger holy beast. He is Yuwen Zhenchen's real opponent!

Well, saying this is actually putting gold on Yuwen Zhenchen's face. It's hard to guess whether he had the ability to fight the White Tiger Holy Beast at his peak, but now he is obviously not qualified to be the White Tiger Holy Beast's opponent.

Under the shadow of the huge beast, he seemed to be turned to stone and could no longer move an inch. He was even pushed back involuntarily by an invisible force, getting closer and closer to Xuyunfang.

Cold sweat fell down his cheeks like raindrops and scattered in the void. Gu Fenghua and others could even see his legs trembling.

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