My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5784 5784 Fenghua’s second brother!

"It's you, you... you're not dead!" Yu Wen Zhenchen looked up, his voice trembling.

Even if they couldn't see his expression, Gu Fenghua and others could imagine his fear at this time.

"Are the four saints in the sky so easy to die? You underestimated us too much." The white tiger holy beast obviously had no interest in talking nonsense with Yu Wen Zhenchen, so he raised a tiger paw as he spoke.

"No, you can't kill me. I am the leader of the Seven Star Lords of the Big Dipper and a guard of the Emperor of Heaven!" Yu Wen Zhenchen felt his murderous intention and shouted loudly.

"Hmph!" What responded to him was the disdainful snort of the White Tiger Saint Beast.

He raised his tiger palm and stamped it down fiercely. With a "pop" sound, Yuwen Zhenchen deflated instantly like a deflated ball.

After all, he is a strong man in the Holy Realm, even the foundation of the peak of Sainthood. However, he was not directly trampled into nothingness by the white tiger holy beast's kick. First, his blood spattered and turned into a puddle of flesh, and then he was crushed. It turned into powder, and finally, it was "successful" and turned into nothingness.

Such a scene is of course more bloody, more violent, and more horrific to watch. When he was about to die, he even had the chance to let out a heart-stopping scream!

Dead, Yuwen Zhenchen, dead like this!

"Too powerful, too cruel!" Seeing the arrogant Greedy Wolf Star Lord just now being so brutally killed, Luo Enen and others were dumbfounded.

Only then did they suddenly realize that although the white tiger sacred beast is one of the four saints in heaven, it has been regarded as auspicious by people since ancient times to ward off evil and prevent disasters and pray for good fortune. It has many magical powers such as punishing evil and promoting good, making money, bringing good marriages, etc. But at the same time, he is also the legendary god of war and the god of killing.

Looking at the majestic, majestic, mysterious and graceful figure of the white tiger holy beast, there was a bit of awe in their eyes.

Gu Fenghua also stared at the white tiger sacred beast, but his eyes were different from theirs. There was no awe, only tears of excitement.

"Shit Xingjun, you are a piece of trash." The White Tiger Holy Beast waved its tiger paw with a look of disgust, as if rubbing the blood on the ground, and then turned to look at Gu Fenghua.

Their eyes met, and he grinned, with a generous and anthropomorphic smile on his majestic and ferocious tiger face.

The huge beast-shaped shadow suddenly shattered and turned into thousands of light points, which quickly gathered together, passed through the barrier, and formed a human shape in front of Gu Fenghua,

This is a young man with a strong body and a handsome face, but there is a hint of cunning in his eyes. Looking at Gu Fenghua, his smile was so kind.

"Second brother!" Gu Fenghua cheered and threw himself into his arms.

Beside them, Luo Enen and others, who had finally calmed down, were stunned again.

The young man in front of him, who was tall and tall and handsome, looked very heroic, but his eyes were full of tenderness. He held Gu Fenghua tightly in his arms. Isn't it the second hegemon among the four hegemons of the Gu family, that is, Gu? Fenghua’s second brother: Gu Qingyuan!

The bad reputation of the four hegemons of the Gu family spread throughout Xinghua. It was said that they could stop children from crying at night. Many people in the surrounding countries had even heard of their names.

I remember when I heard the news of their disappearance, not only the second-generation dudes in Xinghua Capital cried with joy, but even Luo Enen and Fatty Bai breathed a long sigh of relief. After all, although they were not playboys, they were not good men and women either. God knows when they accidentally offended the four hegemons of the Gu family, especially when they accidentally offended Gu Fenghua, who was beaten into pig heads and could not even recognize their biological parents.

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