My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5785 5785 When I was a child, I was as fat as a ball

Of course, at this time, Luo Enen and others were no longer the unruly young ladies and young masters from the prosperous capital city in the past. When they saw Gu Qingyuan again, they were not as awe as before, but more excited.

Gu Fenghua, the second brother, turned out to be the legendary white tiger holy beast. So what are the backgrounds of her other three brothers?

The answer is of course self-evident: except for the legendary Qinglong, Suzaku, and Xuanwu, who else in the world is qualified to call the white tiger holy beast a brother?

The Four Saints of Heaven, the four brothers of Fenghua, are actually the legendary Four Saints of Heaven, the gods of the stars who guard the four directions of the sky!

They suddenly felt deeply grateful for their former friends in Xinghua Kingdom. They had offended Gu Fenghua and the Four Saints of Heaven, but they were only beaten into pig heads by them instead of being stomped on like Yuwen Zhenchen. Turn into nothingness... No, it's not like stamping it directly into nothingness. It's first stamping it into flesh, then crushing it into powder, and finally it escapes from the sea of ​​suffering and turns into nothingness.

They were so lucky. They were just beaten into pig heads. They were so lucky!

Leaning on the second brother's broad chest, Gu Fenghua was equally excited.

I thought that even if I reached the Supreme Heaven, I didn't know how long it would take to find the four brothers, but I didn't expect that I would see the second brother as soon as I left the void barrier. Of course, she also didn't expect that her second brother turned out to be the legendary White Tiger Holy Beast, one of the Four Saints of Heaven.

She was about to go to the Supreme Heaven, and was about to face a supreme power like Emperor Haokong. She was actually a little uneasy in her heart. But at this moment, lying on her second brother's solid chest and hearing the powerful heartbeat, she felt all uneasy. All swept away.

It feels as if I have returned to many years ago, under the protection of my brothers, carefree, nothing to worry about, nothing to be afraid of. They are her support, like mountains, protecting her from wind and rain, and helping her overcome thorns!

Recalling what they had done for him, Gu Fenghua's eyes were filled with a touch of mist.

"Why are you so thin? Have you not eaten in these years?" Just when she was moved by recalling the past, Gu Qingyuan slowly opened his arms, looked at her carefully, and said with a frown.


Have you really lost weight? Gu Fenghua lowered his head and looked at himself. His figure was as convex as it should be. Although it was not as good as Aunt Pu Jiao Jiao Pu of the Jade Cauldron Sect, it couldn't be considered thin, right?

Subconsciously, she glanced at Zhong Lingxiu, who was handsome but could be mistaken for a man if she was careful. When Zhong Lingxiu heard Gu Qingyuan's words, she also looked towards Gu Fenghua. The two looked at each other. She lowered her head in shame and stared at her ankle without any hindrance.

Look, look, if I am considered thin, what does this mean to Miss Zhong? Gu Fenghua curled his lips proudly and wanted to defend, but was too embarrassed to speak.

As a girl, those who should be reserved should always be reserved. Besides, what if Zhong Lingxiu is hit? Well, in fact, she has already been hit hard, and she can't make it worse.

"No, no, no, how can you be so thin? You don't know how cute you were when you were a child. You were as fat as a ball. Can you still go out to see people like this?" The fifth lady of the Gu family was secretly cursing, and Gu Qingyuan was heartbroken. said while stamping his feet.

"..." Gu Fenghua was no longer able to complain, and felt cold sweat falling down his forehead.

Come on, you know you were a kid too. If I were to become a fat ball now, then I would really have no shame going out to meet people.

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