My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5786 5786 I want to give you a surprise

The past came to mind again, and she seemed to see a little girl who was as fat as a ball sitting at the table. Four young men, headed by her grandfather, rushed to pile braised pork into her bowl. Seeing that the mountain of meat was almost over her head, one of them became so bold that he directly stuffed a big piece of fat meat into her mouth. At the end, as if he had done something extraordinary, he raised his neck and let out a loud noise. laughing out loud.

So simple, so violent, who else could it be besides the second brother in front of me?

Gu Fenghua looked at Gu Qingyuan's caring face, and tears finally came out of his eyes!

"You need to eat more. How can you get married like this? In the years since we came back, we have been looking forward to it day and night. We are just looking forward to holding my nephew and having a wedding banquet. What will you do when no one wants you?" Gu Qingyuan stomped. He stood on his feet and said earnestly, his eyes full of disappointment that iron could not turn into steel.

Holding your nephew for the wedding wine...the correct order is, shouldn't you drink the wedding wine first and then hold the nephew? This second brother is really bold and bold!

"Second brother, why are you here too?" Gu Fenghua broke out in a cold sweat, not daring to let his second brother talk any more, and quickly changed the subject.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have believed that the second brother who looked so heroic and heroic could be such a talkative person.

"I left a communication talisman for him. I received the news as soon as you came out of the void barrier. But I was delayed a little on the way, otherwise there would be no chance for Yu Wen Zhenchen to be arrogant." Gu Qingyuan glanced at Ye Lishang and replied road.

As he spoke, the pride and arrogance of the white tiger sacred beast in him were clearly visible again.

"What, you left a teleportation talisman for Senior Ye?" Gu Fenghua said in surprise.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Gu Fenghua glanced at her inexplicably.

"Senior Ye, didn't you say that if something unexpected happens, you will be the one to cut off the queen?" Gu Fenghua looked at Ye Lishang meaningfully.

Since the second brother left him the communication talisman, why would he be needed to cut off the queen?

"Aren't I worried that your second brother won't be able to make it in time? It's better to make more preparations. If he doesn't make it, or if something unexpected happens and he can't make it, then it's up to me to stop him." Ye Lishang said confidently.

"Tch..." Everyone chimed in unison.

Although what Ye Lishang said made sense, he didn't say a word to Gu Qingyuan at that time. Instead, he spoke impassionedly in front of everyone, pretending to have a tragic look on his face, looking forward to death and sacrificing his life for justice.

Thinking about the previous emotions and worries, not only Gu Fenghua, but also everyone else was furious.

As for Pojun Xingjun, they finally figured out that this old man was also a magician, even more powerful than Situ Yunqi.

"Actually, I didn't tell you, mainly because I wanted to give you a surprise." Seeing the disdain in everyone's eyes, Ye Lishang was a little embarrassed and said sarcastically.

Surprise, shock, more or less.

"Where are the eldest brother, third brother and fourth brother? Why didn't they come?" Gu Fenghua asked Gu Qingyuan again, ignoring Ye Lishang.

When she finally saw her second brother, the longing that had been suppressed in her heart surged like spring water. She couldn't wait to see her other brothers.

"The noise I made when I came here alone was big enough. If the three of them hadn't joined forces to suppress it, they wouldn't have been able to escape the eyes and ears of Emperor Haokong. How could they have come together?" Gu Qingyuan replied.

"With the strength of you Four Saints of Heaven, are you still afraid of him?" Hearing this, Luo Enen looked surprised?

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